Psalm 116:6-7
>> Thursday, April 23, 2009
The LORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. -Psalm 116:6-7
Hello, Hello!
You'll be glad to know that I'm in a much better mood than the last blog. Not that the "problems" have completely gone away, but I talked to God about it for a good long time after that. Looks like He actually does know what He is doing even in the midst of my mini-breakdowns. I've found that journaling helps a lot. I love this blog because I get to share what I'm thinking but there are somethings that just stay between me and God. Hence, my journal :)
I found the verse above on Sunday night after Bible study. I was actually looking for another verse a girl had mentioned when I found it. I've adopted it as "my verse" for the time being.
School is winding down. Only 4 more days of class left then 2 (maybe 3) finals. I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by despite all the craziness of it. It's been a learning experience to say the least but I made it...and if I can make it through the first semester, I'll make it through the rest. (Remind me of that next time I get on a rant :)
In the realm of weight loss, it's been a great week. I lost 1.4 pounds this week which is a lot for me. I usually don't lose more that a couple tenths of a pound. I exercised 4 times this past week so I'm thinking that had something to do with it. haha. I need to do that more.
Another fellow blogger also posted a link to SparkPeople. This website is amazing. It's completely free and has a place to track what you eat, track your workouts, blog, and connect with people. It also has free ( workout videos. I'm in LOVE with it. :) I just joined a challenge on their called Sweatsuit to Swimsuit. It starts May 3 and 7 days a week you do one of the StS 10 minutes (or less) videos and 5 days a week you do 30 minutes of cardio (your choice of what and the intensity). I'm a little nervous about it because I haven't been that consistent when it comes to working out but I'm hoping this will kick start me into it.
In other news, this weekend will be GREAT. My roommates from Union are coming to visit. I'm so excited. I've missed having roomies! :) I'm still not sure what we'll be doing all weekend. but I'm sure we'll have fun!Here's a picture of the nephew. haha...I love it. He's so funny now with all his expressions. Oh geez...I love this kid. He can cheer me up when nothing else can :)
That is all for tonight. I'll try to blog soon but with the last week and a half of school left, I'm not sure how much I'll get around to it.
Love. Love. Love.