My ever-so-predictable New Years Post :)
>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009
We have 24 hours left in 2009! How odd! This sure has been a year of change for me.
Transfer back home from Union to MTSU and start classes in January. Leave the church I grew up in to do some "soul searching", so to speak. Find happiness in unexpected places. Start going to Kairos in June and my spiritual life is flipped, shaken, and broken (in a good way) by Pastor Mike. Start a job at Portrait Innovations. Not. For. Me. Quit after a month, start working at GG Cafe. Love it! Still working there. Fall Semester of 3 studio classes and 1 lecture class. crazy, busy, but loved it. Saw WICKED in September. fell in love with the musical. 21st birthday in November, Nephews first birthday shortly after (still head over heals in love with him) Semester ends, Christmas, Best friend engaged on Christmas eve annnndddd now. Here I am with 24 hours left in this year. Crazy how time flies.
It's almost scary how fast time goes by. So my main new years resolution this year?
Slow down!
In every area of life. I often get too caught up in life and everything going on that I either rush through and don't enjoy it, make a bad decision or completely miss the important things all together. This year I want to enjoy life. Take a night to myself and visit an art gallery. Go out of my way to meet new people that I wouldn't normally meet. Take time to make art for the sake of making art instead of just for school. Seek God and fall back in love with Him. Find out a way that works for me to live a healthier life. Cook dinner for my family. Explore the town I live in. Spend a day with my sweet nephew and take it all in. Take a spur of the moment trip to the lakehouse. Get involved in a charitable cause that I believe in.
So, friends, I give you full permission...if you find me caught up in the hussle and bussle of it all, grab me by the shoulders and say "Katie, Sloooowww down!".
I hope that this New Year brings everything you want it to.
Love. Love. Love.
ps...a few picture updates of the nephew :) It's been a while!Connor loves to show off his muscles :) Look at that face! haha!
Connor is ALL over the place now! He loved the Christmas tree! He'd walk up and just look at it...then he'd squat down and look under it at the presents. Seriously...look at that face! :) Cutest one year old out there!