Summer turns to Fall

>> Sunday, August 29, 2010

Growing up is a funny thing. There comes a point where you realize life is not anything like you expected it to be when you were younger. Where everything you were taught is questioned, for better or for worse. Where faith and your relationship with God takes on a whole new meaning.

I've hit that phase.

When I was little I believed that Church was only a Sunday thing and that that little circle of Christianity I was in was the only group that would be in heaven. Now, on the other hand, I go to church on Tuesday nights and feel God there more than I've ever felt him on any Sunday morning. My relationship with Christ isn't a "Be good, and God will love you" type of a relationship. It's a relationship that can't even be described. I don't deserve it, yet God is always sending reminders of how He loves me despite myself.

The beautiful body of Christ I'm blessed to call my church family.

I can honestly say I'm going into this semester tomorrow encouraged. Encouraged that my faith means that I'm never alone in this journey. Encouraged that I am incredibly blessed to have a wonderful family. Encouraged that I have an amazing group of friends that I also can describe as a beautiful example of the Body of Christ. Encouraged that life is so much more than I thought it was.

This semester will be a challenging one but I know it'll be just fine and work out exactly how it needs to.

So on that note, this summer ends. Classes start in the morning and I'll be back to my crazed state of being. I'll be blogging as often as I can but you know how it goes. Until next time...

Love. Love. Love.


Aunt Squared

>> Thursday, August 26, 2010

That's right, people. Carter Thomas has made his entrance into the world.

He's absolutely beautiful. He & Chass are both doing well.
More pictures to come :)

Love. Love. Love.
"At Taytee" (Connor's version of "Aunt Katie")



>> Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sometimes inconveniences turn out to be the greatest "happies" in life. Last week I was informed that our house would be shown at 9:30 on Wednesday morning. I became slightly annoyed simply because that is right in the middle of when I'd be getting up and ready for work. That meant I'd have to get up an hour and a half earlier and out of the house by 9 when I didn't have to be at work until 11. Yes, It is safe to say that I was less than thrilled with the bad timing.

None the less, I woke up, got ready and headed out the door early with a commentary on the book of Romans by NT Wright and my Bible in hand and head to Panera for some coffee.

I walked in, ordered an iced mocha and found a table in the corner. Now, you see, I'm a people watcher. I kept trying to focus on my book but there were so many other conversations going on around me, it just wasn't working. So I listened. I heard conversations about work and business trips, Ben Stein and intelligent design, kids and a brand new school year. Everyone has so much to talk about.

Finally, I decided I needed to focus. I opened my Bible to Lamentations because a verse at Kairos had caught my eye the night before.

You, O LORD, reign forever; your throne endures from generation to generation.
-Lamentations 5:19

It's a simple verse really. But it's just one of those verses that popped out. A good reminder of who is truly in control.

Long story short, It got me thinking about exactly who I follow....about whose name I am loyal to. It's so easy, especially in America today, to become wrapped up in politics and religion. To be completely honest, I'm tired of religion and politics. I'm tired of what America defines as "Christianity". Christians weren't meant to be Goody two shoes who act as if they live perfect lives and separate themselves from the world. I don't believe that's the life Christ called us to.

I believe we are called to a life of servanthood. A life of standing up for those whose voices can't be heard otherwise. A life of loving those the world has deemed unlovable. A life of feeding the hungry. A life of breaking down the barriers of racism and hate. A life that reflects the love of Christ to a world that is literally dieing to feel it.

I'm convinced God made me a people watcher for a reason. My prayer is that over the next few months I become more aware of the needs of people around me. That I not only hear their converstaions outwardly but also hear the words that aren't spoken. That my heart becomes more burdened for others rather than myself.

I pray that I am not loyal to a country or religion or political party first. But that I am first and foremost loyal to Christ. and that through my loyalty to Him, all other loyalties fall into place.

Love. Love. Love.


Baggage Claim

>> Monday, August 2, 2010

About two weeks ago, I heard a message that really hit home. It was like I was that kid in the outfield not really paying attention to the game and a ball hit me right between the eyes. I've been mulling over it for the last two weeks and I'm finally figuring out just how to put it into words. Here goes nothing:

We all have baggage. and a lot of it. Some small, some big. Not just sin, although that's definitely part of it, but also pain, secrets, relationships, etc. The list could go on forever. Me? I've spent my whole life trying to get rid of my baggage, so to speak. Shoving it as far away as I can, or searching for ways to make it go away, instead of facing it head on. Instead of claiming it.

That Tuesday night at Kairos, Pastor Mike shed a whole new light for me on it with just this one little statement.

"It's only through a relationship with Christ that you can have the courage to face your baggage in the correct way...claiming it & opening it up with Christ so that you don't have to fear it any longer." -Mike Glenn

I love those last eight words: "you don't have to fear it any longer". You see, spending our whole lives pushing it aside and not dealing with it never solves anything. It's only when we pull that baggage out from where ever we're hiding it and open it along side Christ and CLAIM it that we find healing. The sins, the lies, the hurt and pain, the regret. We don't have to fear it anymore. We were never meant to fear it. Fearing it only leads to it having control over us. Claiming it and facing it leads to freedom.

Claiming our baggage isn't broadcasting our baggage to the world. It's something very intimate between Christ and His child. A one-on-one situation. Christ opens our baggage, pulls out the mess that inside and an almost silent "Yes...that's mine" is murmured from the lips of His child. Then it's done. The past is faced...we have no reason to fear it any longer.

Don't you feel like that kid in the outfield now?

Me too.

Romans 8:15-18
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

So I'm on a new little journey now. Baggage Claim can take a little longer than we like sometimes. There's a lot of bags to sort through but the end will be worth it.

Love. Love. Love.



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