>> Saturday, March 28, 2009
I've gotten behind in writing on my blog! Sorry for the delay...I kept thinking about writing, but sadly thinking was as far as it got.
Life for me recently has consisted of projects, babysitting and the greenway.
My 2D design class is really starting to pick up speed as far as projects go. We usually spend about 2 weeks per project but recently the professor has knocked it down to 1 week or 1 and a half. it is amazing how much a few days less for a project can stress you out! None the less, i love the class. I'm learning a lot in it and the projects can actually be pretty fun once you get past the tedious parts.This is my most recent project. It's my least favorite yet semi-rewarding all wrapped up into one. Least favorite because we had to draw the picture on the right using only dots of ink, which meant hours of taptaptaptaptap! It was rewarding though because it was a whole different style of drawing and art.
Babysitting has become my job for the time being. I babysit 3 kids down the road on a pretty regular basis (1-3 times a week). This has worked out great with school, tests, projects etc. AND I'm starting to get more "clients" (I dont really know what to call them...haha) People are sharing me which is nice and a good way to make some money with a flexible schedule.
The weather, with the exception of tonight, has been beautiful! I just love it! It's making me want summer so bad! I've been going to the greenway on days where I have the time and the weather is nice.This is my favorite spot on the greenway. If it hasn't rained, then the rocks close to the river aren't covered and you can walk right up to the waterfall. I sat there the other day and read for a little bit. Don't you worry...I was "aware of my surroundings". There are usually enough people on this part of the greenway that I feel pretty safe...not to mention I've got a thing of pepper spray I take with me. Oh...and in case you were wondering...that stuff BURNS! heh....thats a story for another day. :)
In the realm of weight loss....I've lost 7 pounds. Slowly but surely. I got frustrated last week at how slowly it was going but I was encouraged when I discovered that if you average more that 1-2 pounds a week of weight loss, it can actually be unhealthy and you have a higher chance of gaining it back. So, for now, I'm alright. It's coming off so I can't really complain.
Being an aunt is still as amazing as ever....We got Connor a jump-a-roo....here is a video of him in it for the first time. haha! oh man...i love my little bug!
I do believe that it all for this post...Thank for following!
Love Love Love.
WHOA, that ink dot project you did looks incredible! Such talen you have, my Katie!! And, as always, your little nephew is just TOO CUTE for words!
Ahhh, well I don't register until Wednesday at 6:30AM (fingers crossed) But I'm an Art Education major, so I'm taking Drawing 1 and Photography 1, Public Speaking, and New Testament.
What about you??
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