Watermelon and Rain Showers
>> Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I beginning to doubt a single person reads this anymore. (Almost 3 months with not a single comment can do that to a blogger :) None the less, I continue with another post.Summer is here in full swing. Complete with watermelon, summer rain showers, sun burns, late summer nights and evenings by the pool. Have I ever told you how much I LOVE summer? I think it's a tie between fall and summer as to which I love the most. Love them both.
Aside from all the obviously wonderful things about summer that I love, I'm also loving being able to get back into Kairos. For anyone who hasn't read about Kairos before on here, Kairos is a college ministry at Brentwood Baptist that some friends and I have been attending for almost a year. It's, essentially, my church. During the school year It's hard to make it every Tuesday night but I'm so glad to be back into the swing of things.
Last night at Kairos we had an "impact" night where instead of sitting and being given everything spiritually, we gave back. They had several things for us to do including helping the maitenance crew clean, writing letters to widows or soldiers over seas, doing miscellaneous odd jobs or going shopping for nonprofit organizations. It was wonderful. A good reminder that church is not about just coming and getting...it's just as much about giving back.One last note: in 16 day's in heading to the lakehouse. THANK YOU SWEET JESUS! :)
This girl needs to get away for the weekend and I'm ridiculously excited.
Until next time-
Love. Love. Love.
ps: Blog makeover coming soon.