Summer lovin'
>> Thursday, June 3, 2010
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. -Charlotte Bronte
I have a new "adventure" for the summer. I'm an avid reader and I've been anxiously awaiting summer to dig into a few new books. I went book searching this past week and while in a book store decided I needed to broaden my horizons as far as literature goes. So I made myself a rule: For every "modern" book I read, I must also read a Classical book.
I proceeded to the classical literature sections hesitantly, such books can be quite frightening! To my surprise, I could hardly pick a book...they all sounded wonderful! I eventually settled on Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre' for my first classic read. I'm three chapters in and already in love. I will keep you updated on this wonderfulness I've discovered.
*Totally unrelated change of subject*
MAC makeup. I'm in LOVE. I've been using it for a few years and every time I venture into that wonderful section of the department store I fall even more in love. Today I had some spare time and paid MAC a visit. Planning to only but one thing, I left 15 minutes later with 50 dollars left in my bank account and three things in my bag. and could have easily spent 200 more.
The goods?MAC Eye Shadow - Color: "Expensive Pink"
•I am absolutely in LOVE with this. I told the girl who was working there that I wanted to try something new. I tend to stay on the nuetral side as far as eye shadow goes but wanted something to add a little pop...she showed me this and it is perfect. Love love love it.MAC Eye Shadow- Color: "Hey"
This was a "safe" pick for me. I needed a good accent color for my first choice. One that would blend well and be able to tone the first down if blended right. Love love love it too :)MAC Paint Pot- Color: Soft Ocre
This is my third time buying this product. It's my "must have". I use it as my base for eye shadows. It's amazing. I put it on my eye lids then apply my eye shadow on top of it. At the end of the day, my eye shadow looks just as good as it did when I applied it. Goodness I love this. It's worth the moola :)
I'm a MAC user for as long as I can afford it. Some people say it's too expensive but truthfully, their products are such good quality they last so much longer than cheaper brands. I had a bottle of their foundation for over a year, a tube of lip stick and lip gloss I've had for over a year and a half and still use it. The way I see it, I'd rather spend a little more once than a little bit every other month and have it add up quick. <3 me some MAC.
Alrighty friends, I had to give you an update on my two "happys" this week :)
Love. Love. Love.
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