>> Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I love these things. I love reading them about other people and writing my own. So here you go:
25 things about yours truly
1. I secretly hate technology. Not really but in the realm of communication, I do. I love getting mail the "snail mail" way. I love writing letters and mailing them. Not so much with emails. I usually forget to email people back.
2. I want to be "green" but fail miserably. We have about 15 of those reusable grocery bag in our pantry. and I've used them once in the last year. I think recycling is marvelous but forget to do it. One day, I'll get the hang of it.
3. I love local stores, restaurants, farmers markets etc. I work at a local cafe and love it. I just went shopping today at a local little hole in the wall place that sells jewlery and art by local artist. and the farmers market? Don't get me started.
4. My dream life? working from home, raising a beautiful family, with a garden in the backyard that we get all our vegetables from. a simple life. I don't want the glitz and glamor. I just want...simplicity and family.
5. I have a ridiculous obsession with post it notes. I. love. them. As I'm typing this, I'm realizing that my stack is running low and I may need to make a walmart run just for post its.
6. Walgreens carries a new nail polish line thats only 2 dollars each and I'm obsessed. Finally nail polish that doesn'y cost 8 dollars a pop. Hm. Maybe I'll stop by on the way to pick up post it notes...
7. I swear by MAC makeup. end of story.
8. I only listen to country music in the summer. It just doesn't feel right in the winter time.
9. I get my news from Yahoo's homepage. Sad but true. Every day, I go and scroll through all the little headlines. If it's important, surely yahoo will cover it.
10. I've only encountered one scent of candle that I absolutely cannot stand. Orange Vanilla. It seriously makes me sick to my stomach. It's awful. and my mom loves it. yeah.
11. I can't ride a bike. I never learned when I was little and really haven't ever had a huge desire to learn. Weird, I know.
12. I'm addicted to the most shallow television show in the world. The Bachelor. I told myself I wouldn't watch it this season because it's just a waste of time. I did great until last weekend...when I watched all of the season up until this week in less that 48 hours.
13. It's past ridiculous how much will power it takes me to go through the school supplies without buying anything.
14. I want to get a passport just so that I have one. So that if I win the lottery I don't have to wait on stupid passport people to go on an extended vacation to Italy :)
15. Speaking of Italy, It's number on on my list of places I'd love to visit. Followed closely by: Spain, Africa, and Ireland.
16. I have a fish named Mr. Freckles. He's a picky little fish and his food cost more than he did. :) But I love him. and he loves me. I know because he does crazy swirl dances every morning when I get up.
17. When I get really excited or into a conversation I lose the ability to form whole sentences. My words start going all crazy and out of order. It's ridiculous.
18. I hate all thing creepy-crawly. There is not a "good" bug if you ask me. They all have the ability to send me running away screaming. Yes, it's that dramatic.
19. I think I have enough perfume to last me at least the next 10 or 15 years. No exaggeration. From where I'm sitting I can count 12 bottles. and there's more in the bathroom closet.
20. I must sleep with a fan on. If I don't I'll hear every noise through out all of Murfreesboro all night.
21. I also leave a light on when I fall asleep. Yes I'm 21. It's not that I'm scared of the's more habit? I fall asleep looking around my room thinking. I'm weird, I know.
22. I want to live on a farm. I'm talking full fledge-pig-raising-cow-milking-horse-riding-corn-growing farm. Which is odd because I don't know the first thing about farming.
23. There are two sounds that will make me cringe. First, nail files. the gritty scraping sound gives me shivers. Second, pulling cotton apart. as in, a cotton ball or q-tips stuck together. gross.
24. I don't do scary movies. at. all. not even once a year on Halloween.
25. I love series. series of books. series of movies etc. love love love them.
The End :)
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