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>> Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Life right now is currently like a big breath of fresh air.
The semester is over, Christmas is almost here, and after a very long semester, the hard work paid off and I made it through Portfolio Review and into the upper division Graphic Design program. I'm telling you...months of freaking out and all-nighters took there toll but it was so incredibly worth it. I'm glad that it's behind me and I can move on now.
The past few days since the semester ended on Thursday have been my "catch up" days. Catching up on sleep, catching up on snuggles with the nephews, catching up on everything. Today was the ultimate though. Spent the morning with the littlest nephew Carter, the went to the store and came home and cooked dinner and enjoyed time with my wonderful parents. I haven't cooked in months and I was missing's stress relief for me. So, naturally, I did it up big.

On another note, I took a late night trip to walmart tonight and met a special someone. Readers....Meet Mr. Fabulous.

Indeed. He is a humidifier, but none the less, as fabulous as ever. This crazy winter mess has me all messed up. I'm talking nose bleeds and sandpaper skin every day. It is safe to say that in the thirty minutes he's been hooked up, I've fallen in love.
Alrighty. I know. This is possibly the most scattered post ever. From cooking to humidifiers, It's a jumbled mess. I promise a real thought out post is coming soon :) It's been too long.
Anyhoo. That's the end of this mess of a post. If I don't post before Christmas, Have a wonderful Christmas and remember the reason for the season <3
Love. Love. Love.
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