
>> Friday, March 25, 2011

I often get out of the habit of blogging during the semester. I come to blogspot and catch up on all my blog reading but hardly ever have the time/mental energy to sit down and write an entry myself. In order to get myself back in the habit, I'm starting my "Ten" blogs. Short 10 minute breaks to write a blog about a ten list. I'm not sure how often these will happen...aiming for every other week? We shall see.

Starting with 10 things that make me happy.

1. Kairos.
·Two years ago this summer, I was incredibly blessed to stumble upon a unique ministry by the name of Kairos. It is a truly passionate group of believers that gathers on Tuesday nights at Brentwood Baptist. From the messages brought each week by Pastor Mike to the strong friendships I've built there, it is absolutely been a life changer for me. So thankful to be part of a strong & encouraging community of believers.

2. Bella Luna.
·I love the moon. Truly a love I learned from my mother. Nothing makes this girl happier than a beautiful night sky full of stars and a beautiful moon. Proof of a magnificent Creator.

3. Letterpress.
·Anyone that has spent any amount of time with me in the last year has learned of my new obsession. I honestly think I could set type and run proofs all day. I'm absolutely in love. Currently keeping an eye out for a good deal on one.

4. Snail Mail.
·I love getting mail. and sending it. I do believe this stems back to my childhood...growing up writing letters back and forth with one of my more-like-a-sister-than-a-cousin dearest friends, Tasha, in Oklahoma. I still have a box somewhere filled to the brim with letters from her. So thankful for such a wonderful cousin and even more thankful for a wonderful friendship despite the miles between here and Oklahoma/Texas.

5. Rearranging my room in the middle of the night.
·90% of the time when I rearrange my bedroom, it's between the hours of midnight and 3 am. No idea why, but it's just the way it plays out and I love it. I mean what else is there to do when you can't sleep? *Side note- Not my bedroom pictured above but I'm completely in love with it. So vintage. So cute.

6. Book Stores.
·I mean really...who doesn't? I could stay in one store for hours. Nothing like a good book.

7. Goodwill Finds.
·I love a great goodwill find. I'm still kicking myself for not buying a super cute vintage chair for 8 dollars the last time I was there. I mean for real, people...Goodwill always proves to be an adventure one way or another.

8. Change Jars.
·I think I currently have 3 change jars. I throw all my coins in there...and usually once a year I'll take them to a coinstar and cash it all in. It's my version of "saving money" Ha. But really...You'd be surprised how much money you could save in a year if you just throw your extra change in a jar for a year or two. Also, loving that phone in the background.

9. Wicked Soundtrack.
·I listen to this soundtrack on a semi-regular basis and I never grow tired of it. It's a beautiful musical, powerful story, and lovely soundtrack. Seriously. Go buy it.

10. My beautiful family.
·I have the most wonderful family. Amazing parents (high school sweethearts that are still head over heels in love), two brothers that have had more of an impact on my life than they'll ever know, two beautiful sister-in-laws that fit right in the family and are the sisters I never had growing up, and, of course, my two handsome little nephews pictures above. I seriously can't stop kissing on those two sweet boys. Love them all so much.

Love. Love. Love.


The Heart of Life is Good.

>> Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good"
-John Mayer

While I'm not normally the biggest fan of John Mayer or many of the underlying themes within his music, I'm loving his newest song "The Heart of Life". It's been my go-to song this past month or so. Simple song, strong words.

It's been a little over two months since my last post. To say that these last two months have been emotionally charged would not be an understatement. Balancing school, work, & everything else in life this semester has seemed especially difficult this semester. I find myself more often then I'd like to admit spending more time on campus then at my own house. Such is the life of a design student, apparently.

None the less, exciting things are happening. Life seems to be falling into place. One thing I've learned the hard way though is that when life falls into place, some things break. It's only natural, I guess, for a few things to break after falling. Part of the process is accepting which things are worth fixing. Sometimes you can do something about it, other times, it's out of your control. You put your big girl panties on, push the pieces to the side and move on. I've done a little of both the past few months.

One thing that has had a huge "falling into place" impact over the last 6 months or so is a new found passion of mine. Letterpress. I ended up taking Letterpress 1 last fall semester in somewhat spur of the moment-needed another class- situation. Little did I know how much I would fall in love with the form of art. Over the past few months, I've grown extremely attached to all things letterpress. I'm now in Advanced Letterpress this semester, and in my spare time constantly find myself looking all over the internet in search of a letterpress at a decent cost. Sadly, it seems they are few and far between. It's an old process that, unfortunately, has been ignored by many. I've found several old posts of letterpress for sale that ended in them being sold for scrap metal...talk about breaking this girls heart. Makes me teary eyed just thinking about it. Nevertheless, I'm one determined red head. It make take time but things will work themselves out eventually.

Thats all for this post....time to enjoy Spring break.

Love, Love, Love.



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