The Heart of Life is Good.

>> Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good"
-John Mayer

While I'm not normally the biggest fan of John Mayer or many of the underlying themes within his music, I'm loving his newest song "The Heart of Life". It's been my go-to song this past month or so. Simple song, strong words.

It's been a little over two months since my last post. To say that these last two months have been emotionally charged would not be an understatement. Balancing school, work, & everything else in life this semester has seemed especially difficult this semester. I find myself more often then I'd like to admit spending more time on campus then at my own house. Such is the life of a design student, apparently.

None the less, exciting things are happening. Life seems to be falling into place. One thing I've learned the hard way though is that when life falls into place, some things break. It's only natural, I guess, for a few things to break after falling. Part of the process is accepting which things are worth fixing. Sometimes you can do something about it, other times, it's out of your control. You put your big girl panties on, push the pieces to the side and move on. I've done a little of both the past few months.

One thing that has had a huge "falling into place" impact over the last 6 months or so is a new found passion of mine. Letterpress. I ended up taking Letterpress 1 last fall semester in somewhat spur of the moment-needed another class- situation. Little did I know how much I would fall in love with the form of art. Over the past few months, I've grown extremely attached to all things letterpress. I'm now in Advanced Letterpress this semester, and in my spare time constantly find myself looking all over the internet in search of a letterpress at a decent cost. Sadly, it seems they are few and far between. It's an old process that, unfortunately, has been ignored by many. I've found several old posts of letterpress for sale that ended in them being sold for scrap about breaking this girls heart. Makes me teary eyed just thinking about it. Nevertheless, I'm one determined red head. It make take time but things will work themselves out eventually.

Thats all for this post....time to enjoy Spring break.

Love, Love, Love.


Elizabeth March 6, 2011 at 8:44 PM  

Lovely post. And the yellow of your blog makes me smile, as does the mellowed-out music. :)

Natasha Wittman March 24, 2011 at 7:44 PM  

Hi there, Lovely.

Thank you for introducing me to your song.

It makes me feel close to you somehow. And that is a very nice feeling I have missed.

Letterpresses! You can and must obtain one. I am confident that you are right, that it will just take time, but there is one out there with your name on it, figuratively. And then you can write your name on it when you buy it! :)

Missing you. Always.


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