Summer Bucket List
>> Friday, May 13, 2011
Summer break is HERE.
Oh yes. It's here.
Like any other summer, There's lots on my "to do" list. So. I'm prioritizing. Here it is. A list of the things I must, must, must do this summer. In no particular order.
My Summer Bucket List:

Read a lot. Read until my eyeballs fall out. Okay. Maybe not the last one.
I love reading. Not like most people "love reading" yet never read. During the semester, I crave a good book. I hate not having the time to read. So this summer, I will read until my hearts content. and then some.

Having nephews might be the best thing ever. Better than homemade red velvet cake, and that's good stuff. This summer I will get as much snuggling, hugging, giggling, frog catching, booboo kissing, and did i mention snuggling? in as possible. Connor will be 3 in November and Carter will be 1 in August. My sweet little loves are getting big so fast...and Aunt "Taytee" must get as many sweet moments in as she can before they turn into little boys and will have none of it.

I'm a very organized person. I like to know where everything is and have a spot for every little thing. Now. If, per say, you were to walk into my bedroom or would call me a liar. Currently, my room is a mess of laundry, books, and random items that need to find their place. My studio is even worse. and I kid you not....dangerous. Studio tac, xacto blades and projects are scattered everywhere and proof of a very busy semester. And then in the midst of it all, My "sick" corner consisting of my art desk pushed against the wall, a mattress in the floor, an empty bottle of sprite, and a tupperware container with remnants of crackers. Oh yes, friends. It's been quite the week. None the less, by the end of this summer, I'm determined to be so very organized. and to make it even better....I found a label maker the other day in a closet. Oh yes. It. Is. On.

This, like reading, is something I miss in the semester. I love to cook. I love to cook for my family, friends, or just about anyone. Due to the before mentioned school craziness, there's just not enough time in the semester. So this summer, I will cook. Try new recipes, almost burn the house down (disregard that statement, mom and dad), add too much of one ingredient and not enough of another. But I will cook. and that's all that matters.
You think I'm kidding? I would walk a route that was 2 miles longer just to avoid June bugs. Or Cicadas. *Shudder* I hate those creepy little bugs with their sticky little legs. Gross. Gag. Disgusting. Get the picture yet? No? Mk. One of my worst memories from when I was a child consist of june bugs. I remember sitting on the back porch of the first house I remember living in and there being June bugs EVERYWHERE. And I just cried. Until my knight in shining armor (Aka Daddy) came and rescued me from the evil monsters. (aka June bugs). Scarred for life. Yeah. I hate them that much.

This category includes letterpress, craft, photography, or pretty much any other creative activity I involve myself in. Letterpress will be one of the key elements here. My friend Megan & I are planning on editioning a significant amount of our 2012 letterpress calendars this summer and selling them on etsy. Super pumped. Keep an eye out for them! In addition to that I have many other little creative projects I'd like to do this summer. Hopefully enough to get an etsy shop up and going by mid summer. If not, whatever. It's just fun to have a creative outlet.

For at least a day or two this summer, I want to disappear. Turn off the cell phone, turn off the internet, maybe drive to the lakehouse and just be. Yup. Completely disappear for a few days. Now. If I don't show back up within two days, you may want to check on me. The backroad crossville crazies may have left their porches and shotgun cleaning to get me. Eep. Maybe I'll bring a friend.

I'm so incredibly guilty of being "that" Christian. Claiming the name of Christ but not even spending time with Him daily. Who am I kidding? Even weekly. This summer I want to get back to the roots of my relationship with Christ. Fall back in love. Take long drives with my radio off and just pray. Sometimes getting back to the basics isn't all that bad.
That's it, Ladies & Gents. That's the list. Yes there is plenty more I want to and may do, but that's the basics. It's going to be a lovely summer. Get out there. Enjoy it.
Love. Love. Love.
I love it, Katie. Good plans :)
If you want to escape to NC for a few days, I know a place you can stay for free :)
I heartily endorse this list, especially number four. I have a collection of bookmarked recipes that I've been waiting until summer to try. Soon!
I do take exception to five; I actually think June bugs are quite cute. ;)
Wow, what a great list!! I wish I could join you! Do send me a letter, but if you haven't sent it yet, hang onto it until I can give you my new address more certainly. Moving in two weeks. Yippee!!
Love. You. To. Pieces.
Hey, Awesome (that's you). I just watched The New World last night. It was pretty cool. It reminded me of your Apache Blessing card you sent me a while back, which I proudly posted onto the fridge in the new kitchen. :) And I reread it and felt very special. :)
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