Maintaining in so many ways...
>> Thursday, February 26, 2009
Til the time when You come and I'm whole
and we are one and the fire in me is complete
Some tell me to be moderate but lukewarm will never do
'cause I, I wanna blaze with You
So I'm holding my heart out to You
Holding my heart out...
Hello there, friends! :)
I hope this finds you having a simply wonderful week. If not then I hope something I write here makes you even a slight bit happier, even if just for a minute.
There isn't much to say of this last week. It was relatively normal with a trip to Chattanooga inserted on the weekend. That was nice :) I always enjoy a good visit with the family...not to mention getting to ride there and back with Joe and Hayley...and of course Connor! Have I told you how much I love being an aunt? It's pretty much the greatest. especially the smiles, kisses and snuggles. I love my snugbug!
anyhoo...that was my week in a nutshell.
Weightloss- none this week :( But I didn't gain either so it's not so bad. I just maintained. dang. I really wanted those shoes. Guess I'll have to wait another week! I saw it coming, though, with Grandma's cooking and my lack of exercise due to somehow managing to hurt my back. It is on the mend though so back to regular walks/workouts! *side note* speaking of walks, my parents and I went on one tonight and that dang dog came back out barking...but my dad had his walking stick with him so he didn't come very close. *phew*
Now, on to the good stuff! :)
Some girl in my small group on Sunday nights told our group about this blog...
I so so so encourage you to visit it and/or follow it. This girl lives in Uganda and has adopted 12 orphaned or poverty-stricken children as her own. the kicker? she is 21! my goodness...thats only one year older than me! it's simply amazing. I've been following her blog for just over a week now and have been so blessed by reading it. I cannot tell you how much I'd love to do something like that some day. All in God's timing...-This is Kristal. She is so very special to me. I met her on my first missions trip to Canada. God used this sweet girl and her story to teach me so much. I keep this picture on my dresser still as a reminder of God's call on my life.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
-Jim Elliot
That is all for today! Have a marvelous rest of the week.
Love. Love. Love.
Hi Katie~
I love reading your blog and seeing what a love you have for the Lord. I, too, have been reading Katie's (from Uganda) blog. Isn't it amazing what God is allowing her to do! It has really humbled me by reading her posts.
I'm praying for you! Keep living for Christ!
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