A year ago...
>> Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wow...so tomorrow (Thursday, 2-5-09) will be one year since the tornado hit campus. I can hardly believe it's been a year. God has been so good to have blessed Union since that night.
Everything about that night still seems like it just happened yesterday. I can still hear the sirens and remember how it felt, the insane amount of pressure in my body and my ears popping, when the tornado was on top of us. The chaos after of being rushed from building to building for fear that the next set of storms would bring another tornado. The overwhelming moments when I finally saw Hurt and Watter's dorm...or what was left of them. The feeling I got when I saw one of my closest friend's dorms with a truck sitting on top of it still makes me sick to my stomach. Everything is still so vivid.
Looking back, I still can hardly believe that everyone made it out alive. God definetly had his hand over our campus that night.This is a picture that a guy I knew took from his dorm when he saw it coming... (crazy photography major) To this day it's the only picture I've ever seen of the tornado that hit our campus, partially since it hit at night, mainly though...because no one really expected it.
My downstairs neighbors pre-tornado :) We didn't think a thing of it and decided to take some pictures.
One of the dorm buildings... I still can't even figure out which one it is....geez.
a UPS truck was picked up from the lifeway parking lot on campus and thrown at least 500 yards with the driver inside. luckily he was not injured at all.
More dorms.... the truck is leaning against the wall of friend's dorm.
Helicopter View of Campus...You can see the path of the tornado. Danny being rescued from underneath a concrete slab. This guy has an amazing story.
Dr. Dockery, our university's president. This man is one of the most godly men i think I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. The way he handled the whole situation and eveything he has done for Union over the past year has been truly astounding.
Another friend found this in his dorm when he went to get his stuff. It was not his and he has no idea where it came from...I think I do.
And last but definetly not least....one of the best video's i've seen about that night. I just watched it for the first time in almost 5 months and bawled like a baby all over again. God was so so good to us that night...
2-5-08...the way we remember it.
^watch it!^
And with that I'm off to bed.
Love. Love. Love.
Katie Grace:) I love you, God is amazing!
I didn't know you started a blog! I LOVE to read blogs so I'll be a follower for sure :) .
Our God is an amazing God and His hand of protection over Union during this time is an awesome testament to His power, mercy & grace. I hate you had to go thru the horror of it all, but glad God chose you to be part of His miracle!
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