>> Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Every Saint has a past, Every Sinner has a future."
God's forgiveness is a hard thing to truly understand. It's something I always feel like I'm the only Christian stuggling to understand. I'll sit and think about all the time's I've gone against what God wanted me to do and think "geez...if I were Him, I wouldn't forgive me!" I mean honestly, would you be in a relationship with someone who is daily...heck, hourly...sinning against you. That is just so hard for me to understand.
Don't get me wrong. I know He DOES forgive me...but I just don't understand why. I don't deserve it by any means. At New Vision on Sunday, Pastor Brady really hit home with me on something. We've been talking about cultural Christianity...what it is, how to deal with it, etc. Well this Sunday had to be my favorite of all. It was about salvation (and probably the best sermon I've ever heard on it.) At the very end of the service he said something that was like a smack in the face to me..."Christianity is what God did to get to us, not what we did to get to Him." Wow! I think this is my sore spot, so to speak. I always sturggle with accepting the fact that there is nothing I can do to deserve my Salvation. It was given to me by God regardless of how much I don't deserve it. Sometimes I feel like I need to be a better Christian to deserve it, but the truth is no matter how much I do, it still would never be enough.
And that is where Jesus Christ comes in....Thank God! (and quite literally!) I don't deserve any of this but God still sent His son for me. It's still hard to grasp but my old pastor used to say "I wouldn't want to serve a God I could fully understand." so true.
I could use your prayers, still. It seems like when summer comes and I have all this "free time" is when Satan attacks me most. Always making me over think things...I could use more time in God's word to get my head back on straight.
Those are my "deep" thoughts for today.
On to other news...
I got a job! :) at Portrait Innovations. I'm so very excited about this! I start on Saturday (tenatively). It's my first "real" job. I'm a little nervous about it but ultimately know it's going to be great.
Connor is 6 months old today!Geez! Isn't he the cutest? I can't believe it's been 6 months!
That all for today...
Love. Love. Love.