Lessons Learned

>> Sunday, May 3, 2009


One final to go! :) Hooray-Hurrah-Wahoo! haha...Oh so close to summer! My last final is on Wednesday and I have a 97 in the class thus far so I think I'll be fine. This semester has been great...so I think I'll keep up my semester-ly tradition of lessons learned from the semester. :) I usually do this on Facebook, but I'll do it on here instead.

1. Simply put, Life goes on. I went through the "woe is me" stage about transferring but soon realized, Life goes on. This change of schools is fine...God wants me here and I can either accept that and move on or be mad about it and live miserably. I choose the first.

2. People are people...no matter what they look like or act like. I've come across a lot of interesting people since coming to MTSU that I never came across at Union. All types of peircings, hair color, choices of clothes...at first I was a little "disturbed" by it and thought they were a little weird. After a semester in my 2D class, I found that some of my classmates like that were the nicest people I've come across this semester. Don't judge a book by its cover.

3. You are your own worst critic. This has been taught to me in so many areas. Weight loss and my 2D class mainly. I'm always talking myself out of success. Telling myself "You will never be able to lose this weight" or "Your project is horrible....you can't be an art major". Well...I've lost 8 pounds so far and i WILL lose the rest. I'm also finishing this 2D design class with an A. Positive self talk sounds weird sometimes but I swear it works.

4. Tornadoes follow me. no really. Two F4's in one year. Sometimes I think I should be a storm-chaser because they seeem to come to me. haha.

5. Family is the best. I really would not have made it through this semester without them. My parents have dealt with my emotional roller coaster like pros, and my brothers and their wives have been there to encourage me. and of course, the nephew, he's been my "happy" this semester. ha. Always brings a smile to my face.

6. Outdoors is the best place to think. I've rediscovered my love for being outside. I love walking and thinking. I used to listen to my ipod while I walk but now I just love to think.

7. Life has bad days, just take them in stride. This is one of the more recent lessons. Some days everything around you is ust going to go wrong and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Deal with it. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of this but I'm working on it.

8. Racism is so unneccesary. from BOTH sides. I'm trying to watch myself on this. but I'm so tired of people being called racist because they don't agree with someone of a different race. That is not racism. I'm also tired of smart jokes about other races. I guess people think it's okay if the other race isn't present to hear. geez. No race is better than the other. we are equal. Start treating each other like it.

9. A little "me-time" can go a long way. Taking a break from all the stress can help you think more clearly. Whether it's a drive, a walk, a trip to walmart or a long hot bath, It helps. :)

10. Change is hard...but good. I've made a big change for me...changing churches. I'm still deciding whether this particular church is right for me, but I know that changing churches was right. I need to either find a place to "plug-in" at this church or another but regardless of where, It was a good choice. I think some people get stuck in the rut of going to a church because it is where they grew up. I'm not saying that is everyone because you could very well be called to go to the same church all your life BUT if you feel the call of God to leave, for goodness sake, leave! There is not one church for everyone....Find yours.

Thats all from me....Care to share any lessons you've learned lately?

Love. Love. Love.



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