A love of exercise...who would've thought? :)
>> Thursday, May 14, 2009
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble
Haha...I literally laughed out when I read ^that^ It is so very true. I've discovered in the last two days that I actually enjoy exercising. I went to the rec center at school (because its free, so why not?) and discovered their track that goes around the top of their 8 court gym. Six and a half laps is a mile so i thought...hmm...I can do this. and I did....and then 6.5 more. and thoroughly enjoyed it. Odd. So I went back again today...and did 20 laps (3 miles). and loved it....again?! My word what has gotten into me? I'm not really sure but I love it. I'm going back again in the morning. Hooray!
Other than that, not too much going on. I've just been enjoying summer and not having class. It is so very, very nice. :) LOST season finale was last night...and it was AMAZING. *Spoiler Warning* I got SO upset when Juliette died...or...fell in that hole then died. When she let go of Sawyers hand and he started screaming and crying and oh my goodness. So sad. I might have even got a little teary-eyed. I know, I'm pathetic. but anytime a guy cries over a girl in any movie/show It always makes me cry! and What on EARTH was up with the "season premeire"? It showed someones eye...and thats it. Now I don't know what to think. haha. My goodness that is the absolute most addicting show I've ever followed. I can't believe there is only one season left. What am I going to do when it's gone? I need a new show...any suggestions?
Well I believe that is all for tonight.
Love. Love. Love.
Katie^The best friends :) I love these girls so much. They keep me going like none other.
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