>> Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It was a vacation that had a rough start due to flight delays (I'm talking a 8 hours stuck in an airport with a very sleepy 10 month old type of start) but, as I told my sister in law on the first night as we walked the beach, just the smell of the ocean makes it all worth it.

My awesome Uncle Steven, Aunt Martha, and Cousins, Seth & Abi, were gracious enough to open their home and give us a place to stay for the week. They really know how to give the whole Florida experience in the short time we were there. One of my favorite days was the day we went to the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs. Lovely shops, delicious Greek restaurants and beautiful weather.

And of course, best of all was getting to spend quality time with family that we don't get to see nearly enough. Our vacation wouldn't have had nearly as much laughter, good eats and fabulous memories if our Florida Clagg family hadn't been involved. We are so very thankful for them!
Summer is almost over. Even as I write that, I hear a little voice inside pouting away that it went by too fast, as it always seems to. Never the less, I must hush the inner child in me that doesn't want school to start and instead embrace the school year as another year filled with opportunities I'll only get once.
This summer has been one of the best and, as cheesy-Christian as this may sound, I only have God to thank. I came in to this summer extremely exhausted in just about every sense of the word. Thankfully I'm ending this summer rested. This summer has been so full of lessons, fun times, and good days that I can't even think of a single complaint. I would live this summer a thousand times over if I could.

Alright. I've got to take a moment and brag on these people right here. They are one of the reasons my summer was just so wonderful. Blogging world, meet my Kairos family. They are the most fabulous set of friends I've ever been blessed to have. This summer I've been so encouraged by them. Spend 5 minutes with us and you'll probably think we're crazy but spend a couple hours with us and chances are that at some time during that time, you'll hear some very passionate Christ followers talk about some way they're trying to change, become better, have a positive influence on our world. Just spending time hanging out with them usually ends with me being encouraged in one way or another, whether they realize it or not. I cannot tell you in words how much my Kairos family means to me but just know that it's a whole-stinkin-lot. I love each one of them so very much and can't wait to see what God does in each of their lives.
Well. On that note, it's time for me to end this post. I hope everyone that reads this blog has had just as wonderful of a summer. If not, you have a few weeks left...make it count!
Love. Love. Love.