Biggest Fear...

>> Saturday, December 19, 2009

I've come to realize one of, if not the, biggest fear in my life currently.

Being alone.

Lately, I'm scared to death of being alone...not having someone to experience the "big moments" in life with. It seems like so many big things are happening right now and I'm just to the point where I want nothing more than to share these moments with someone. Two good friends got engaged tonight, and I know some others are in the very near future. It's hard not to think of the fact that that's not happening soon for me. I feel...behind?

So frustrating. What if my biggest fear comes true?
I don't think I can handle it.

This isnt meant to be a "oh my gah...i hate being single" drama post. It's just me...and how I've felt lately. I know God created us to find our other half....but do we all? and if we don't how do we become happy without them?

Just my thoughts tonight.


Our Little Family December 20, 2009 at 6:40 AM  

Hey girl i just wanted to let you know that lots of people have this very same fear! You are beautiful inside AND out and you will find your soul mate. Its not always on our timing which is the hard part but God has an awesome plan for you and he has someone very very special picked out for just for you! Someone better than you can even imagine! It is hard sitting back letting God work and seeing everyone else around you making changes, however you dont want to make changes unless they are in Gods will and plan. Praying for you!


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