My ever-so-predictable New Years Post :)

>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We have 24 hours left in 2009! How odd! This sure has been a year of change for me.

Transfer back home from Union to MTSU and start classes in January. Leave the church I grew up in to do some "soul searching", so to speak. Find happiness in unexpected places. Start going to Kairos in June and my spiritual life is flipped, shaken, and broken (in a good way) by Pastor Mike. Start a job at Portrait Innovations. Not. For. Me. Quit after a month, start working at GG Cafe. Love it! Still working there. Fall Semester of 3 studio classes and 1 lecture class. crazy, busy, but loved it. Saw WICKED in September. fell in love with the musical. 21st birthday in November, Nephews first birthday shortly after (still head over heals in love with him) Semester ends, Christmas, Best friend engaged on Christmas eve annnndddd now. Here I am with 24 hours left in this year. Crazy how time flies.

It's almost scary how fast time goes by. So my main new years resolution this year?

Slow down!

In every area of life. I often get too caught up in life and everything going on that I either rush through and don't enjoy it, make a bad decision or completely miss the important things all together. This year I want to enjoy life. Take a night to myself and visit an art gallery. Go out of my way to meet new people that I wouldn't normally meet. Take time to make art for the sake of making art instead of just for school. Seek God and fall back in love with Him. Find out a way that works for me to live a healthier life. Cook dinner for my family. Explore the town I live in. Spend a day with my sweet nephew and take it all in. Take a spur of the moment trip to the lakehouse. Get involved in a charitable cause that I believe in.

So, friends, I give you full permission...if you find me caught up in the hussle and bussle of it all, grab me by the shoulders and say "Katie, Sloooowww down!".

I hope that this New Year brings everything you want it to.

Love. Love. Love.

ps...a few picture updates of the nephew :) It's been a while!

Connor loves to show off his muscles :) Look at that face! haha!

Connor is ALL over the place now! He loved the Christmas tree! He'd walk up and just look at it...then he'd squat down and look under it at the presents. Seriously...look at that face! :) Cutest one year old out there!


Merry Christms!

>> Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Have a listen to my favorite Christmas song!

Now get off of here and celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Love. Love. Love.


Biggest Fear...

>> Saturday, December 19, 2009

I've come to realize one of, if not the, biggest fear in my life currently.

Being alone.

Lately, I'm scared to death of being alone...not having someone to experience the "big moments" in life with. It seems like so many big things are happening right now and I'm just to the point where I want nothing more than to share these moments with someone. Two good friends got engaged tonight, and I know some others are in the very near future. It's hard not to think of the fact that that's not happening soon for me. I feel...behind?

So frustrating. What if my biggest fear comes true?
I don't think I can handle it.

This isnt meant to be a "oh my gah...i hate being single" drama post. It's just me...and how I've felt lately. I know God created us to find our other half....but do we all? and if we don't how do we become happy without them?

Just my thoughts tonight.


Happy Thanksgiving!

>> Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy (day before) Thanksgiving, Everyone!

I hope everyone has a marvelous Thanksgiving around the ones they love, and that you get up early enough to get all the wonderful Black Friday shopping done! :)

This year, I'm thankful for...

  • My Family- They are wonderful...always putting up with me and encouraging me to be a better person. I could not have asked for a better family. I love them with all of my heart.
  • My Nephew- (I know...he's family...but he deserves his own spot :) He makes me world go around and I can't believe just how much I love this sweet little boy. His smile and sweet giggle just makes my day.
  • My Best Friend- Lizzie is the best friend a girl could ask for. Always putting up with me and always there to listen when things just aren't going right. She's more like a sister to me than a friend and I love her to death.
  • My Job- In the last few weeks, I've realize how lucky I am to have my job. It works perfectly with my school schedule, and I absolutely love the people I work with. So many people don't like where they work or don't get along with coworkers, but I'm lucky enough to say neither of those are true.
  • My Education- Transferring to MTSU was not the easiest thing for me, but I've come to realize I'm very thankful for it. The art and graphic design program here are wonderful and I've learned so much just the last two semesters I've been here.
  • Kairos- This college ministry at Brentwood Baptist has been my saving grace since coming back home. Pastor Mike always shoots straight with us and you can see his passion for God's word in every word he says. It's kept me on track spiritually and given me a solid group of Christian friends I can depend on.

Again, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Thank you for reading my blog and putting up with the highs and lows of me :)

Love. Love. Love.



Beyond Words

>> Friday, November 20, 2009

Have you ever been so broken hearted or hurt that you were beyond even talking about it? Been saddened that it was impossible to even talk to the person closest to you about it?

I'm there.

My heart hurts and I can't think of one word to be able to explain why.

I'm beyond people always saying "I'm here for you" or "Just pray about it."

What happens when you can't even think of the words to talk to God about it? When all you can do is sigh, shrugs your shoulders, cry and hope He understands.

People can be so cruel...and the worst is when you find something out then start questioning everything and everyone. I don't know how to trust. That may be my biggest weakness. I question the motives of everyone...convince myself that no one can be trusted.

I don't know what to do anymore and I'm tired of being so happy all the time.

I just need to get away. I need to know that He is listening....I mean, I know He is....but it'd be nice to have some feedback.


Embracing the Art of Positivity

>> Sunday, October 4, 2009

When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
-James 3: 3-12

I have been challenged lately...It seems like every Kairos service or church service, God's been telling my the same thing..."Katie...Watch your tongue!". I know the typical church use of the verses above is about gossip but that's not the main part I've been convicted about...It's being positive with my words.

Let's face it, we live in a very negative world. It's very easy to be caught up in it....always being negative in situations...looking at the most horrible outcome that could come out of a situation and dwelling on it, bringing everyone down with us. There's something so wrong with that. As Christians, we need to be the hope in those situations. It's impossible to do that when you're right there beside them discussing the negative. I believe the words that come out of our mouths have enormous power. They determine how people perceive you, if people want to be around you or not, your testimony to the lost, everything.

So here's my deal....I'm going to really try to start being a positive person...just as much inside as out. I'm not going to be fake about it. There are times when "negative" things need to be discussed, but as much as possible I want to have a positive outlook. I want people to think of me as a positive person. Hold me accountable, friends.

On another note....I'm absolutely falling in love with my major. My classes are bringing me so much deeper into the art world than I've ever been. I've had a few assignments to look up certain artists and research them and their work and it's truly been so inspiring. I put up "A Starry Night" by Van Gogh just because it's always been my favorite piece of art. I know it's your typical art piece but it's so beautiful. It's official. I'm turning into an art freak. and I couldn't care less :)

*scatter brain attacks again* ITS FALL! :)
oh. my. goodness! I cannot explain to you how happy this makes me. Fall is my absolute favorite season. It's so beautiful....gorgeous changing of leaves, crisp fall air, bonfires, sweaters and sweatshirts, hot chocolate, birthday, and Thanksgiving. all lovely reasons to love fall. :)

I believe that is all for tonight, friends.
Thanks for reading.

Love. Love. Love.


Back to School

>> Sunday, September 20, 2009

Isaiah 43:1-4 (The Message version)

But now, God's Message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob,
the One who got you started, Israel:
"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you.
I've called your name. You're mine.
When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you.
When you're in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you're between a rock and a hard place,
it won't be a dead end—
Because I am God, your personal God,
The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!
That's how much you mean to me! That's how much I love you! I'd sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.

Read that a few time....let it soak in. Isn't it beautiful? We are so loved.

Hello there my lovely readers (Can I call you that? You've probably all abandoned me by now. I've been so behind!) I hope you are all doing well. As you can probably tell by my lack of updates, school is back in full swing. We've been in class three weeks now...and boy has it kept me busy! Heres the run down of what I'm into this semester.

  • Drawing One- Love it so far. I'm not good at drawing by any means but Erin (my professor) is so patient and great at explaining and helping us become better. A normal class day consists of 3 hours behind an easel drawing away at still life, learning new techniques etc. I was nervous when I started it but love it now.
  • Three Dimensional Design- I took 2D design last onto 3D! This class is all about creating design in a three dimensional area instead of a 2D flat space. It's a lot of hands on. I spent last week in the woodshop with 4 different types of saws, sanders and drills galore! It's definetly out of my comfort zone since I'm used to working in 2D type of design but it's a lot of fun learning to build 3D designs and working with different materials.
  • Graphic Design Technologies- The first of many graphic design classes I'll be taking. It's fun so far...We've just been hitting on some photoshop for the most part. Some of the stuff I know, but it's a good "refresher" so to speak. My professor knows Gillette, my graphics teacher from UU and they are eerily similar.
  • US History 1- This is a 3 hour, one night a week night class that just might be the death of me. If ever I have an attention disorder, it surfaces in this class. Covering 2 chapters a night is not my ideal history class but it's worth it to not have class on Fridays. (woo!)
...and THAT is the way the cookie crumbles, my friends. Taking 3 studio classes was probably not the best idea but I'll make it. So if I don't update as often...the above list is why. ;)

In other areas....

I'm still a "wanderer" church wise. Although, I think...THINK....I might be one step closer in finding my church. I visited the church that holds Kairos on Tuesday nights this morning and loved it. It reminded me SO much of my church in Jackson that I've missed so much. Not to mention, what's better than hearing Pastor Mike every Tuesday at Kairos? Hearing him on Sundays too! :) Needless to say I'm excited. I'll be praying about it. It's a weird place to be
in where you haven't had a true "home church" in 9 months, especially when you've been raised in the same church since you were five. but it's a learning experience, to say the least.

On another note, I had a..."friend"....I hadn't talked to in two years contact me last Friday. It was unexpected and somewhat shocking really since I expected to never hear from him again. I was sad to learn that he is not who he used to be in several ways...It breaks me heart to see someone who once used to be sold out for the lost, losing his way. What that I have no way of contacting him to encourage him. He IM-ed me....and we talked...and he got off. so unless he gets back on (which he never does), I'll just have to pray. My heart breaks for him on so many levels...

Okay I'm a little behind on being the proud aunt! Here's a more recent picture of my sweet bug!
Is he not the most adorable thing you've ever seen? Goodness he is getting SO big. He'll be walking in no time!

Well I believe thats all :) I'll try to keep up with this as best I can through the semester but there's just no telling. :)

Love. Love. Love.


A rant. Consider yourself warned.

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence
Living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word
Spoken to me

And I ... I'm desparate for you
And I ... I'm lost without you

I've always loved this song... It's so simple yet speaks write to the center of how I feel when life gets overwhelming. Those days when I don't know how I'm going to finish the day, but somehow....only through God's strength, I make it.

It's been one of those weeks. actually. two weeks. Union starts classes tomorrow. I honestly don't know why it's been so upsetting for me this time around. In January when they started back, I was fine. I had accepted the fact that I wasn't going to be there anymore. Not this time around... I find myself overwhelmed with jealousy when I get on facebook and see all my UU friends statuses about moving back in/seeing everyone/classes starting. Not "simple" jealousy of aw. i miss it. I'm talking anger jealousy. Crying I get so worked up over it. I miss it. everything about it and I'm tired of hiding it. I miss my roommates, my friends, classes, the professors, chapels, my church there, my college ministry there, jackson, random trips to the playground in the middle of the night, friends marathons when i should be studying, always having a friend around to talk to. everything.

To be honest, God and I have been at odds the last few weeks over this. I know this isn't "His fault". It's no one's fault. It's just life. but goodness...I'm really struggling to understand why I'm here and not there. I'm tired of people saying they understand. saying "God has you here for a reason". I know that. Unless the next sentence out of your mouth is going to tell me what that reason is, please don't say that to me.

I don't mean this to be a complaining rant type of blog entry...but it's just how I'm feeling right now. This blog isn't for me to paint a pretty picture of a picture perfect life. It's my life and its far from perfect....which means a few blogs every now and again will be a big of complaining and ranting.

....I guess that song says it best. I'm desperate for Him. Right now I'm completely drained inside. I just need to get away for a while and think. My best friend Elizabeth and I are going to the lakehouse this weekend. Perfect timing.

Thanks for reading....

Love. love. love.


Summer of Love :)

>> Thursday, July 30, 2009

"The world did not create beauty, the world cannot define it." -Mike Glenn

This summer has been one of the biggest blessings to me personally. I've mentioned a few times on here that some friends and I have been going to Kairos (a college ministry, not a Greek restaurant for those wondering:) every Tuesday night. I cannot explain to you how much of a blessing it has been for me. Mike Glenn is the speaker and has been doing a summer series on love, relationships, beauty and all that falls into that. Mike's style of teaching is so different from anyone I've listened to. He is straightforward, blunt and completely transparent with us. There is no beating around the bush with him which I've come to appreciate a lot in a world where it always seems to take people 10 times as long to say what they're trying to say. He tells it like it is and has an amazing passion for it. anyways....I just thought I'd share a little about what God's been showing me this summer.

The Importance of a REAL relationship with Christ.
We started out the summer establishing the real foundation for all of this...a true relationship with Christ. I so often fall into the category of Christians who come to Christ only on a "need" basis. When things start falling apart, I run to Him to fix them but when things are going fine, I tend to leave Him be. This is one really big area in my life personally that I need to work on. Mike real drove in a point when he started talking about how we say "God is a big part of my life." when we should be saying "God IS my life."

The Importance of embracing where you are now.
God has each of us exactly where we are right now for a reason. It's hard not to wait anxiously for the future. I, along with almost everyone else my age, need to embrace my "season of singleness". God is preparing each of us for what we will encounter in the future....but if we are constantly looking at the future then how can we learn what He has for us here and now to learn?

The Importance of finding a Godly man.
"If you cannot see daily evidence of his walk with Christ, Leave." <-- Talk about being blunt! It's not enough to find a man who call himself a Christian. There must be evidence of his relationship with Christ. I've always heard growing up from different people to "not be too picky" when it comes to guys but for one of the first times I actually decided that I need to make a list of things I will not waiver on when it comes to a man I will spend my life with. I want a man after God's own heart and nothing less.
-The night we spent talking about Godly men, we talked about Joseph (Jesus' earthly father) and then people from his lineage. A big thing I'd never noticed about Joseph was how much he really truly cared for Mary even before he realized that she truly was carrying the son of God...It says that he "decided to divorce her secretly". Joseph, thinking that his fiance has cheated on him, did not want to embarrass her by any means. He still cared enough for her to not want to cause her any more pain and embarrassment than was already present. I think that speaks tons about his character. Not many people have that much character, myself included, that we'd let it go quietly.)

The Importance of being a Godly woman.
If I'm going to hold my future husband to high standards, I need to hold myself to the same. In all reality, a man seeking God's own heart is going to want a woman seeking God's own heart. I need to use the time God has given me to be preparing myself to be the woman I need to be. If I spend all my time focusing on finding "Mr. Right" and not focusing on getting myself to where I need to be spiritually, I won't be ready when he comes along.

The Importance of recognizing real beauty.
This is kind of where the quote at the very top comes in. Right now, our culture is so infatuated with what they call "beauty". Size 0, flawless skin, 5'8'', shallow as get out beauty. The quote at the top is so simple....but so true. The world did not create beauty, the world cannot define it. Our culture is driving woman into their graves with eating disorders and depression because the standards they set for beauty aren't achievable. Real beauty is something that starts from the inside. As Mike put it...."True beauty is something you can see even in the dark."

I guess that pretty much hits all the main points God's been really teaching me this summer. I hope it blesses you as much as it has me. Please send up a prayer for Kairos on Tuesday nights if you think of it. God is doing some amazing things there....we even got mentioned on a major "non-christian" radio station a few weeks back and have since been literally overflowing with people coming. The last 3 weeks people have had to sit on the floor...over 1,300 people recently!
Feel free to come with me sometime too! We have a group that goes each week of between 4 and 8 people. It's so much fun :)

Hope yall are having a great week.

Love. Love. Love.


Just an update :)

>> Monday, July 20, 2009

"No, life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath... We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture."
-Donald Miller-- "Through Painted Deserts"

-The book from which that quote came is one of my absolute favorites. It's been about a year since I've read it and I should really read it again. It made me want to get in my car and take off for a few weeks. To just live life for what it was worth...enjoying every minute, going where ever I felt like, sleeping under the stars and discovering God in all types of new ways. It STILL makes me want to do that just thinking about it. Such an awesome book.

A few thing on my mind tonight....
  • Dating/relationships- Goodness...I've discovered in the last few months that it just scares me to death. As much as I want to be in a relationship right now, I know I'm not because God is still preparing both me and my future spouse for each other. I just want to know if I know him yet... it'll be interesting to see how all of it unfolds whether it be soon or in a year or two (eep!). I need to be patient....Good things come to those who wait, right?
  • Health- I love love love the track at MT's rec center. Don't ask me what is so exciting about walking in circles but I find it so much more appealing than treadmills and the like. I do believe I'll head there some time tomorrow.
  • Reading- I don't know what has gotten into me lately but I cannot stop reading. In the last 2 weeks I've read 2379 pages. I'm about to need a new book/series. Any suggestions?
  • Redecorating- My room is in desperate need of some attention. It is both a wreck and utterly horrible in the design area. It's about to drive me nuts. I've at least got to decide on a color to paint the wall by the end of the summer. Then try to find a new idea for what to do with the furniture. Not to mention buy a new mattress. My back has been killing me lately....come to find out my mattress is as old as I am. Dear paycheck gods, send money quickly! :)

That's the end of the blog for today. I am completely aware that this was a completely pointless entry but I thought I'd give a little update to those who care. I hope everyone is having a blessed summer.

Love. Love. Love.


Bondage through Religion; Freedom through the Cross

>> Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Religion and humanity bring nothing but bondage. It is only the Cross that brings freedom."

I am not a Biblical scholar by any means. I wish I understood the Bible better and could sit down with a 3,000 page book by some brilliant man who did but it's just not me. God teaches me through life. I learn by experiencing.

The quote at the top of this blog is one I heard in church this morning and it just stuck with me. The rest of the sermon on Repentance and Freedom was amazing as well and maybe I'll write something about that later on.

I've been so puzzled lately with religion. It seems like the last six months for me have been full of question and lessons about the church as a whole. Through it all, I've learned exactly what the quote at the top says...Religion brings bondage. Church too often becomes about going to a certain place at a certain time,seeing certain people, singing certain songs, and doing certain things. It's all just so messed up. Church is not a building. It's the people of God coming together to worship Him. So simple yet we make is so complicated. I've been so guilty of that. I realized that about myself when I was talking to a good friend the other day about how I left my old church. I was telling her about how hurt I felt that after I left my church of almost 15 years, only 2 people even said anything. I was hurt. But i've come to realize that my focus was all wrong. I was too focused on the people and not focused enough on finding my place to worship. Does it still hurt? Sure, if i think about it...but I'm trying my best to let go of that and remember that that is not what church is about.

Freedom only comes through the cross. Not through a certain denomination, not through a certain song or sermon....through the cross. I still struggle with completely focusing on Christ during church. Its hard to get my mind to slow down enough to really focus but I find that when I do and I hear what He is saying to me, I feel free. I feel like all the struggles that I carried into His presence have been thrown to the other side of the earth. Christ brings such freedom to those who open their hearts enough to let Him in.

So I don't know if what I said made much sense. Its just been something I've been thinking about lately and this mornings sermon made me think about it a little more.

On to other things... Life right now is good. I've been figuring out a lot of things...thinking too much for my own good. Just ask any of my good friends. haha. I've been picking at their brains about a few things the last week or so. I'm extremely blessed to have some of the friends I have. They are straight up with me... calling me out on areas I stumble in. It not always easy but I do appreciate it so much. Friends like that are worth more than words.

I believe that's all for today...I hope everyone had a great 4th!

Love. Love. Love.


A mini update :)

>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hello all!

Geez I'm behind!'s a mini update on life.

-Lost 15 pounds as of last Thursday! woot! Who knows if tomorrow will be as gracious. haha. this week has been crazy and not the "healthiest". Oh well...It's part of it!

-Work is great! I don't remember if I said it in the last post or more working at Portrait Innov....I'm just working at the Cafe now. It was just too stressful for me. I'm loving working at Goodness Gracious though.

-I've been hanging out with my childhood best friend a lot lately :) Brooke and I have known each other since we were 18 months old. I love her like a sister. I'm so glad we're hanging out again.

-In other realms.... just.... :) haha...I'll elaborate more on that soon. maybe. ;)

Over all, life is good...summer is relaxing....and I'm happy.

I promise...a better blog will come soon. :) Patience, my dears!

Love. Love. Love.


Crosses and the Future :)

>> Sunday, June 14, 2009

John 17: 20- 26 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in You. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and the know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

....Above is a seriously amazing portion of scripture. I wrote a blog on it on myspace a long time ago and it just popped into my mind today. So I went back to my myspace (for the first time in weeks) and looked it up. Yup....these verses still amaze me. :)

Here is what I wrote about it on myspace back in October...

"Okay...If you haven't read the verses at the beginning of this, please go back and read it. If you have the time, read all of John 17. I've been in awe of this chapter for the last week. First of all, the fact that Jesus prayed is just really interesting to me. But that's not what I'm wanting to talk about... Context of the chapter: Jesus is praying right before he is about to be arrested. From a purely human standpoint, if I were praying right before I was about to get arrested and be crucified, I know it'd completely be a selfish prayer begging for God to change his will. The thing that amazes me is that Jesus spends 5 verses praying for himself/ the situation....the next 20 verses are for his disciples and his followers (aka you and I). The above verses are the ones that really stick out to me. I begin to sense just a little bit of the complete passion of Christ here. The fact that Jesus, son of God, wants us, wretched sinners. Note that its that He wants us...not that He needs us. I don't know about you but I have done nothing at all to make Jesus want me...if anything, all my actions should make Him not want me....but that's not how it works.... He wants me. and wants me to experience His glory and the love of the Father. I'm so amazed by that....I'm so unworthy."

Yeah. Thats about right! haha...I'm constantly amazed by the little surprises I find out about God. I love that I don't understand a weird kind of way. It makes my spiritual life that much more exciting. :) On another note.... I've been feeling burdened lately about the future. There is so much that that I want to do in life. I've always had a passion for missions. When I was younger I interpretted that into me being called to be a missionary. I've come to realize that is still a huge burden of mine. Although it may not play out as I thought it would. Life is funny like that. While I would love to grow up, marry a preacher and spend the rest of my life doing ministry stuff...who knows if that is the way God is going to work things out. For all I know He could just want me to be like Nate and Dawn from West Virginia who every summer travel to Canada for the summer and do missions work up there while fall-spring they carry on normal lives.
Who knows...all I know is that I cannot wait for it to find the man God has for me and live life with him, to fulfill as much as I can in this breath of life of God's will for me, to raise a family, to see God work. It's all so exciting :)
For now though, I must be patient. Easier said than done...I'm one to get frustrated fast but I'm working on it :)

--Above is a cross I made :) The different peices are from broken plates, glass etc. It was my first attempt but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I'd love to become better at making them and make them for people :) Hmmmm....We shall see what comes of this new project!

That's all for this week. I hope ya'll have an incredibly blessed week.

Love. Love. Love.


Tomorrow will take care of itself...

>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:25-34

-I know its one of the most common verses to quote when worry consumes you but sometimes I think its those "common" verses that can really speak to you if you slow down enough to listen to them again.

Now a lot of my ramblings tonight may just sound...well...stupid. but I'm in a rambling mood. Feel free to click the little X at the top at any time and go on to better things :)

I worry way too much for my own good. To other people it comes off as me being dramatic but thats not so. I sincerely freak out when it comes to making decisions. I stress to the point of becoming sick and then some. It's just no good for me but I can't help but worry that somewhere along the way I'm going to make one little decision thats going to totally mess up everything. I'm so scared that I'm going to make a wrong decision that I often just avoid making the decisions until the very last possible second. I hate this and it's something God and I are going to have to start working on. I cannot think of a reason or "root" to all of this. It's just emerged in the last few years. I was not like this in high school. I don't think I had a care in the world then. (boy, wasn't that nice?) but for some reason in the last 2 years I've developed this....mistrust? (i'm not sure if thats the right word) of everything/one/situation.

Anyways... It's got to stop. Just in the last few weeks I've been stressing about some decisions I have to make and it's getting to be ridiculous. I absolutely hate how much I let worry consume me. I know this should be an "easy" decision. That 5 years from now its not going to matter what I decided....then why can't I make up my mind?

So thats where the verse at the top comes in. I told my parents goodnight and went to bed (early for me :) and this verse popped into my mind. I almost shut it out...but decided to look it up and read over it. Sure enough I knew it was God talking. Why do i even worry about this? He so beautifully clothes the flowers what makes me think He won't provide for me in everyway I need (note: not want.) ? I guess this is the beginning of working this little situation of mine out. With God's help I'm going to stop this ridiculous amount of worry that consumes me and just trust.

On that note, I'm asking for prayer. I've got a situation I need to figure out and make a decision on soon and I just don't know what the right thing to do it. I need prayer for clarity from God....for Him to just make His will known. Please and Thank You! :)

Moving on....Kairos. :)
So I've been without a real home church for about 6 months. It's such a weird feeling but has taught me so much. Recently Jill, Brooke and I started going to Kairos at Brentwood Baptist on Tuesday nights. It's an amazing young singles/college ministry. The awesome thing about it is that college aged people from several different churches meet's weird that even though I probably only know 5 people in the whole building of hundreds of people, I feel at home. I feel like I could talk to any person there and they would listen. It's truelly an amazing ministry. and worth the drive :)

I believe that is going to be all for the night. I got called in to work at GG cafe tomorrow so I need to get some sleep. Goodnight, all!

Love. Love. Love.



>> Friday, June 5, 2009

I've officially lost 10.8 pounds! woot. Took a while...Let's hope the next 10 don't take as long! :)

I'm resting up from training at Goodness Gracious and getting ready for a busy weekend at Portrait Innovations so no long posts today :) Just thought I'd tell ya the good news!

Love. Love. Love.

There's my Sadie baby :) She loves sleeping on my chest while I'm on the computer. Isn't she cute?


Missions, Jobs, and Kittens

>> Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
Psalm 34: 5-10


Goodness...I'm sorry that it's been a while since the last post. Life has been a little busy lately.


1. I'm now working at Portrait Innov. It's been interesting! haha. All the training is a little overwhelming. We shall see! I only work Saturdays and Sundays right now.

2. I'm starting another job tomorrow. Goodness Gracious Cafe. Im hoping to pick up a few days there during the week and see how that goes. I know a lot of the people that work there so it should be good.

3. Kairos...It's an amazing College/Young Singles ministry at Brentwood Baptist that I went to last week. I looooved it. I think God is using that ministry in huge ways. I'm going back tonight with Jill and Brooke.

4. New kitty :)

Isn't she adorable? Her name is Sadie. She's 4-5 weeks old and TINY. haha. I have to feed her kitten formula by the bottle but shes so worth it. Right now she is sleeping right under my chin curled up close to my neck. haha...She's too cute!

Thats all as far as updates go...Life is busy obviously. I'm just trying to keep up :) I'm still figuring a lot of things, church etc. but it's faling into place. I'll try to keep you more updated :) I just got behind.

Currently on my mind is Missions. I've always had a desire tobe involved in it. I surrendered to God's call the summer before 10th grade. I'm still figuring out what God exactly wants me to do with it but I know He will show me in time. Who knows :) I just know we serve an amazing God and I can't wait to see the places He takes me in life.

Something I enjoy reading is the Life Journals of Jim Elliot. I pick it up every so often and read a chapter or two. He was an amazing man with a heart for the lost like none other. Also...theres a movie about his life called "End of the Spear". I encourage everyone to watch it.

I think thats all for tonight :)

Love. Love. Love.




>> Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Every Saint has a past, Every Sinner has a future."

God's forgiveness is a hard thing to truly understand. It's something I always feel like I'm the only Christian stuggling to understand. I'll sit and think about all the time's I've gone against what God wanted me to do and think "geez...if I were Him, I wouldn't forgive me!" I mean honestly, would you be in a relationship with someone who is daily...heck, hourly...sinning against you. That is just so hard for me to understand.

Don't get me wrong. I know He DOES forgive me...but I just don't understand why. I don't deserve it by any means. At New Vision on Sunday, Pastor Brady really hit home with me on something. We've been talking about cultural Christianity...what it is, how to deal with it, etc. Well this Sunday had to be my favorite of all. It was about salvation (and probably the best sermon I've ever heard on it.) At the very end of the service he said something that was like a smack in the face to me..."Christianity is what God did to get to us, not what we did to get to Him." Wow! I think this is my sore spot, so to speak. I always sturggle with accepting the fact that there is nothing I can do to deserve my Salvation. It was given to me by God regardless of how much I don't deserve it. Sometimes I feel like I need to be a better Christian to deserve it, but the truth is no matter how much I do, it still would never be enough.

And that is where Jesus Christ comes in....Thank God! (and quite literally!) I don't deserve any of this but God still sent His son for me. It's still hard to grasp but my old pastor used to say "I wouldn't want to serve a God I could fully understand." so true.

I could use your prayers, still. It seems like when summer comes and I have all this "free time" is when Satan attacks me most. Always making me over think things...I could use more time in God's word to get my head back on straight.

Those are my "deep" thoughts for today.

On to other news...

I got a job! :) at Portrait Innovations. I'm so very excited about this! I start on Saturday (tenatively). It's my first "real" job. I'm a little nervous about it but ultimately know it's going to be great.

Connor is 6 months old today!

Geez! Isn't he the cutest? I can't believe it's been 6 months!

That all for today...

Love. Love. Love.


A love of exercise...who would've thought? :)

>> Thursday, May 14, 2009

I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble

Haha...I literally laughed out when I read ^that^ It is so very true. I've discovered in the last two days that I actually enjoy exercising. I went to the rec center at school (because its free, so why not?) and discovered their track that goes around the top of their 8 court gym. Six and a half laps is a mile so i thought...hmm...I can do this. and I did....and then 6.5 more. and thoroughly enjoyed it. Odd. So I went back again today...and did 20 laps (3 miles). and loved it....again?! My word what has gotten into me? I'm not really sure but I love it. I'm going back again in the morning. Hooray!

Other than that, not too much going on. I've just been enjoying summer and not having class. It is so very, very nice. :) LOST season finale was last night...and it was AMAZING. *Spoiler Warning* I got SO upset when Juliette died...or...fell in that hole then died. When she let go of Sawyers hand and he started screaming and crying and oh my goodness. So sad. I might have even got a little teary-eyed. I know, I'm pathetic. but anytime a guy cries over a girl in any movie/show It always makes me cry! and What on EARTH was up with the "season premeire"? It showed someones eye...and thats it. Now I don't know what to think. haha. My goodness that is the absolute most addicting show I've ever followed. I can't believe there is only one season left. What am I going to do when it's gone? I need a new show...any suggestions?

Well I believe that is all for tonight.

Love. Love. Love.
^The best friends :) I love these girls so much. They keep me going like none other.


Mothers day, Elf, and Summer time!

>> Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's officially summer!
At least for me anyway. I finished up my classes and finals on Wednesday...grades aren't up until tomorrow but I'm pretty sure I did well in all of my classes so I'm not worried. Hooray for summer....

I have a possible summer job as well. I had an interview at a photography place on Tuesday but didn't get a call back. It wasn't surprising to me though since I technically don't have experience at an actual photography studio. Oh well...I believe I will be working at Goodness Gracious Cafe and Catering though. I'm excited. I know the owner and a lot of the people that work there. It'll be fun!

So for all you girls out there reading this...I have to tell you about my most recent find. E.L.F. Cosmetics....Oh goodness. It is absolutely amazing. Almost all make-up on the site is one dollar. It's everything from brushes to eye shadow and nail polish. While there are some things that are a little bit more, it's still so much cheaper than buying it in the store. I'm amazed! I just ordered some stuff from them and will let you know how it turns out. I've heard that the quality of the make-up is just as good as any other so we'll see!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day....

This is my beautiful mother! She is absolutely the greatest. She is my best friend and the greatest mom any girl could ask for. She's stuck with me through everything, always right beside me encouraging me and pushing me to be a better person. She is such a beautiful woman inside and out and if I eventually become half the woman, wife and mom she is, I'll be happy.

This picture represents the thing I'm most proud of my mom for. Sweet Sarah came to live with us for 7 months and my mom (and dad) really stepped up to the plate. No need to go into details but she gave my sweet cousin a loving home and safe environment for the whole time she stayed with us. I love you, Momma!

I hope all of you other Moms out there have a great Mother's Day!

That is all for now.

Love. Love. Love.


Lessons Learned

>> Sunday, May 3, 2009


One final to go! :) Hooray-Hurrah-Wahoo! haha...Oh so close to summer! My last final is on Wednesday and I have a 97 in the class thus far so I think I'll be fine. This semester has been I think I'll keep up my semester-ly tradition of lessons learned from the semester. :) I usually do this on Facebook, but I'll do it on here instead.

1. Simply put, Life goes on. I went through the "woe is me" stage about transferring but soon realized, Life goes on. This change of schools is fine...God wants me here and I can either accept that and move on or be mad about it and live miserably. I choose the first.

2. People are matter what they look like or act like. I've come across a lot of interesting people since coming to MTSU that I never came across at Union. All types of peircings, hair color, choices of first I was a little "disturbed" by it and thought they were a little weird. After a semester in my 2D class, I found that some of my classmates like that were the nicest people I've come across this semester. Don't judge a book by its cover.

3. You are your own worst critic. This has been taught to me in so many areas. Weight loss and my 2D class mainly. I'm always talking myself out of success. Telling myself "You will never be able to lose this weight" or "Your project is can't be an art major". Well...I've lost 8 pounds so far and i WILL lose the rest. I'm also finishing this 2D design class with an A. Positive self talk sounds weird sometimes but I swear it works.

4. Tornadoes follow me. no really. Two F4's in one year. Sometimes I think I should be a storm-chaser because they seeem to come to me. haha.

5. Family is the best. I really would not have made it through this semester without them. My parents have dealt with my emotional roller coaster like pros, and my brothers and their wives have been there to encourage me. and of course, the nephew, he's been my "happy" this semester. ha. Always brings a smile to my face.

6. Outdoors is the best place to think. I've rediscovered my love for being outside. I love walking and thinking. I used to listen to my ipod while I walk but now I just love to think.

7. Life has bad days, just take them in stride. This is one of the more recent lessons. Some days everything around you is ust going to go wrong and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Deal with it. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of this but I'm working on it.

8. Racism is so unneccesary. from BOTH sides. I'm trying to watch myself on this. but I'm so tired of people being called racist because they don't agree with someone of a different race. That is not racism. I'm also tired of smart jokes about other races. I guess people think it's okay if the other race isn't present to hear. geez. No race is better than the other. we are equal. Start treating each other like it.

9. A little "me-time" can go a long way. Taking a break from all the stress can help you think more clearly. Whether it's a drive, a walk, a trip to walmart or a long hot bath, It helps. :)

10. Change is hard...but good. I've made a big change for me...changing churches. I'm still deciding whether this particular church is right for me, but I know that changing churches was right. I need to either find a place to "plug-in" at this church or another but regardless of where, It was a good choice. I think some people get stuck in the rut of going to a church because it is where they grew up. I'm not saying that is everyone because you could very well be called to go to the same church all your life BUT if you feel the call of God to leave, for goodness sake, leave! There is not one church for everyone....Find yours.

Thats all from me....Care to share any lessons you've learned lately?

Love. Love. Love.


Psalm 116:6-7

>> Thursday, April 23, 2009

The LORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. -Psalm 116:6-7

Hello, Hello!

You'll be glad to know that I'm in a much better mood than the last blog. Not that the "problems" have completely gone away, but I talked to God about it for a good long time after that. Looks like He actually does know what He is doing even in the midst of my mini-breakdowns. I've found that journaling helps a lot. I love this blog because I get to share what I'm thinking but there are somethings that just stay between me and God. Hence, my journal :)

I found the verse above on Sunday night after Bible study. I was actually looking for another verse a girl had mentioned when I found it. I've adopted it as "my verse" for the time being.

School is winding down. Only 4 more days of class left then 2 (maybe 3) finals. I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by despite all the craziness of it. It's been a learning experience to say the least but I made it...and if I can make it through the first semester, I'll make it through the rest. (Remind me of that next time I get on a rant :)

In the realm of weight loss, it's been a great week. I lost 1.4 pounds this week which is a lot for me. I usually don't lose more that a couple tenths of a pound. I exercised 4 times this past week so I'm thinking that had something to do with it. haha. I need to do that more.

Another fellow blogger also posted a link to SparkPeople. This website is amazing. It's completely free and has a place to track what you eat, track your workouts, blog, and connect with people. It also has free ( workout videos. I'm in LOVE with it. :) I just joined a challenge on their called Sweatsuit to Swimsuit. It starts May 3 and 7 days a week you do one of the StS 10 minutes (or less) videos and 5 days a week you do 30 minutes of cardio (your choice of what and the intensity). I'm a little nervous about it because I haven't been that consistent when it comes to working out but I'm hoping this will kick start me into it.

In other news, this weekend will be GREAT. My roommates from Union are coming to visit. I'm so excited. I've missed having roomies! :) I'm still not sure what we'll be doing all weekend. but I'm sure we'll have fun!

Here's a picture of the nephew. haha...I love it. He's so funny now with all his expressions. Oh geez...I love this kid. He can cheer me up when nothing else can :)

That is all for tonight. I'll try to blog soon but with the last week and a half of school left, I'm not sure how much I'll get around to it.

Love. Love. Love.



>> Sunday, April 19, 2009


I must "warn" you before you read this post that it will not be the happiest of post. I've got a lot on my heart and really just need to let it all out. It is more for myself than any one else. I think just writing it all out may help.

I'm feeling really overwhelmed lately with life. Not just parts of it....all of it.I just feel like I currently can't even think straight.
Coming home, over all, was easy for me. I love my family, have an amazing be nephew that never ceases to make me smile, and MTSU is a great school with a great graphic design program. The hardest part about coming home has been finding my spot here. I've lived in this town all of my "growing up" years...I belonged. I went to a small school and had some amazing friends. I had an amazing youth group as well. I was always outgoing and had close friends around me.

Since coming home, I've really struggled with finding where I belong. I've found a new church
which I love....but I still feel new when I walk I don't quite belong yet. I haven't found a group of friends yet and honestly feel pretty lonely. I miss having friends to hang out with on a regular basis and friends to call up and get coffee with or just sit and talk with. I've been able to handle it pretty well up until recently. I just feel alone...and don't really know what to do about it. I've become more shy in new settings and it frustrates me. Where I'd normally make conversation with someone, I now just sit quietly.

It's also starting to effect this "big change" I'm trying to accomplish by losing a lot of weight. but my number one "hurdle", so to speak, in weight loss is my emotional eating. When I get mad/sad/frustrated, I turn to food. I feel like I'm in an endless cycle with all of this. I get so overwhelmed with school, projects, or anything else, and turn to chocolate (or anything sweet).

I know God is trying to teach me a lot through this semester, but I'm having a hard time focusing on it all. I just need to get away for a few days and think. Overall I guess I could just use prayer. I'm sorry if you actually read all of that...I really just needed to vent.

That's all for now...
Where I'd love to get away for a few days. I've never heard God more clearly than in these mountains.


>> Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Our Lord is constantly taking us into the dark, that He may tell us things. Into the dark of the shadowed home, where bereavement has drawn the blinds; into the dark of the lonely, desolate life, where some infirmity closes us in from the light and stir or life; into the dark of some crushing sorrow and disappointment. Then He tells us His secrets, great and wonderful, eternal and infinite; He causes the eye which has become dazzled by the glare of the earth to behold the heavenly constellations; and the ear to detect the undertones of His voice, which is often drowned amid the tumult of the earth's strident cries."
-from Streams in the Desert by Charles Cowman.

Wow...what a month it has been....maybe more correctly put, what a weekend it's been.

This past Friday, the boro was hit by an F-3 Tornado. It's unbelievable. According to the news, the tornado was on the ground for 22 minutes, has a 15 mile long line of damage and was at least a half mile wide. That is SO hard to get my mind around...

My mom and I along with some girls my mom was taking pictures of and their mom went in the closet when we saw the tornado on TV. The power went out and we just sat there for a few minutes....I went outside after a minute to see if I could see anything. I did not see anything but heard it. It was horrible. I knew it when I heard it...

After it passed I went out with the people that were over to see if any damage had been done, totally not expecting what I was about to see...

This was about half a mile away from us...

This was less than half a mile from us.

My heart breaks for all of those hit by the tornado. It's been just over a year since I was in their shoes. It's a horrible feeling and I was even so blessed to escape with my possessions and friends, some on Friday were not so fortunate. In fact, about a mile away, a woman and her 9 week old daughter were killed in a house I passes every day on my way to school and now it breaks my heart to think about it. The dad is still in critical condition in the hospital.

Please continue to keep all of Murfreesboro in your prayers. So many lost homes and some lost loved ones. It's going to be a long journey back to "Normal".

Slightly off subject, I got a devotional book I had ordered in the mail the day after the tornado and a quote at the top is from it. I opened to the date and couldn't believe what I was reading...I found it so fitting for everything going on. If you didn't read that part at the top, I encourage you too. It's so....accurate? needed? true? all of the above.

Also, Happy Easter to all reading. I enjoyed a wonderful day with my family today...went to church and out to eat with them. I'm blessed. :)
I also got a pleasant surprise when I put on my Easter skirt this was too big! I just bought it about a month and a half ago and it fit well then. This morning after the service I had to get a safety pin at the house before going out to eat to keep it from falling down too far! haha! It was encouraging since the last 2 weeks, I've been at a low and really frustrated having only lost 7 pounds since starting. But it's working and I'll get there.

Thanks for reading, everyone. I'll try to keep an update for everything going on in the boro over the next few weeks. School is winding down which hopefully means more time for fun things like blogging. We'll see!

Love. Love. Love.


>> Saturday, March 28, 2009


I've gotten behind in writing on my blog! Sorry for the delay...I kept thinking about writing, but sadly thinking was as far as it got.

Life for me recently has consisted of projects, babysitting and the greenway.

My 2D design class is really starting to pick up speed as far as projects go. We usually spend about 2 weeks per project but recently the professor has knocked it down to 1 week or 1 and a half. it is amazing how much a few days less for a project can stress you out! None the less, i love the class. I'm learning a lot in it and the projects can actually be pretty fun once you get past the tedious parts.

This is my most recent project. It's my least favorite yet semi-rewarding all wrapped up into one. Least favorite because we had to draw the picture on the right using only dots of ink, which meant hours of taptaptaptaptap! It was rewarding though because it was a whole different style of drawing and art.

Babysitting has become my job for the time being. I babysit 3 kids down the road on a pretty regular basis (1-3 times a week). This has worked out great with school, tests, projects etc. AND I'm starting to get more "clients" (I dont really know what to call them...haha) People are sharing me which is nice and a good way to make some money with a flexible schedule.

The weather, with the exception of tonight, has been beautiful! I just love it! It's making me want summer so bad! I've been going to the greenway on days where I have the time and the weather is nice.
This is my favorite spot on the greenway. If it hasn't rained, then the rocks close to the river aren't covered and you can walk right up to the waterfall. I sat there the other day and read for a little bit. Don't you worry...I was "aware of my surroundings". There are usually enough people on this part of the greenway that I feel pretty safe...not to mention I've got a thing of pepper spray I take with me. Oh...and in case you were wondering...that stuff BURNS! heh....thats a story for another day. :)

In the realm of weight loss....I've lost 7 pounds. Slowly but surely. I got frustrated last week at how slowly it was going but I was encouraged when I discovered that if you average more that 1-2 pounds a week of weight loss, it can actually be unhealthy and you have a higher chance of gaining it back. So, for now, I'm alright. It's coming off so I can't really complain.

Being an aunt is still as amazing as ever....We got Connor a is a video of him in it for the first time. haha! oh man...i love my little bug!

I do believe that it all for this post...Thank for following!

Love Love Love.


Spring Break, Union, & A Girls Night

>> Monday, March 16, 2009

"In Him, you have the full rights of sonship or daughtership, including the right to live wildly in victory. Do you hear what I'm saying to you? I don't care what kind of addiction you've had of what kind of places you've been, you have as much right to flourish in Christ's abundance as Billy Grahm...No head hanging is necessary unless Christ has crowned you with so much love and compassion that the weight of it sometimes bows your head in hoyful worship and gratitude."

-Beth Moore, "Get Out of That Pit!"..... This is from the book we are doing in my Sunday night Bible study. It's such a good book and this is just a part that I underlined and thought I'd share.

Good Evening! :)

This past week was Spring break...Hooray! On Wednesday I left for Union with Jill to visit everyone up there. I was so blessed by the whole 3-ish days I was there.
Wednesday night I got to go to dinner with my small group from last semester. Those girls are so amazing and Mrs. Marilyn will never know how much she encourages me.

^^^Thursday night was roomie night :) Elizabeth and I cooked dinner and the four of us had dinner and watched the office together. Oh goodness...i sure have missed my roomies!

Friday was the busiest day of all! Jill and I had lunch with our first RA, Rachel. It was definetly one of the highlights of my trip. We sat in McCalisters for about an hour and had a good long talk about God, transferring schools and everything in between. She is one of the most amazing people I've met since coming to Union. Friday night- Sarah and I distracted Laura by taking her out to eat and bringing her back to her surprise party...too fun! :) and Friday night I went to see "Measure for Measure", a play at Union, which my friend Ryan was in. It was absolutely hillarious.

All in all, an amazing trip...There are so many people that I wouldve loved to get lunch or coffee with but there simply just was not enough time. I'm hoping to make it back up there one weekend before the end of the semester.

In other news...

Kim, Candice, Ashley and I went out for Amber's 21st on Saturday night. so much fun :) We went to Chili's then to the bowling alley for cyber bowling. Too bad I'm absolutely horrible at bowling. but none the less a good night. Definetly a well needed girls night...So sad i forgot my camera though.

No news in weight loss....I missed my meeting on Thursday night since I was at Union. Not looking forward to this week's meeting.... I haven't "been good" this week. :/

That's all for tonight!
Love. Love. Love.


Snow, Shoes and Spring Break...

>> Friday, March 6, 2009

Will You begin right where I end
And be the God of all I am because You're all I have
Hallelujah, Everything You are to me
Is everything I'll ever need
And I am learning to believe
That I don't have to prove a thing
'Cause You're the one who's saving me

-I love this song! I heard it this week on the radio. It's by Josh Wilson, if you were wondering :)

Hello, Hello!
Another great week! Late Saturday night/Early Sunday morning we got around 6 inches of snow. It was beautiful!
And now.....Introducing....
The "five-pound" shoes! cute, right? I lost .4 this week which set me to a total of 5.2 pair of shoes for me! Unfortunately that 5 took me longer than I'd wanted. I haven't been as strict on working out/eating as I need to be...I'm going to really buckle down starting this week. I think I need to make a work out schedule and really stick to it. I'd like to average about a pound a week. That'd be 52 pounds in a year...and I'd be quite alright with that. haha. Oh geez. I hope I can do this. sometimes I psyc myself out. I'm getting a bit nervous... The other day in my meeting a lady said to get a picture of your "skinny days" out and put it out for motivation. I realized then that I'd never really been skinny...It's always been something I've battled. I can't even begin to imagine what I'd look like. hmmmmmm..... Okay...gotta move on before I really get myself in a tizzy!

Isn't my nephew beautiful? This is my favorite picture of him so goodness he's going to be one handsome lil man! :)

I'm officially on Spring Break! It's so hard to believe that the semester is half way over. It's a blessing that it's gone so well...I'm actually really enjoying my 2D design class. anyhoo- this Wednesday, I'm heading to Jackson to see my roomies and other Union friends! I'm so extremely excited. I've missed them!

anyways- Thats the end of this post...Have a lovely break and get out and enjoy this 70 degree weather! :) If anyone wants to head to the greenway, feel free to give me a text or call. I'm so up for it.

love. love. love.


Maintaining in so many ways...

>> Thursday, February 26, 2009

Til the time when You come and I'm whole
and we are one and the fire in me is complete
Some tell me to be moderate but lukewarm will never do
'cause I, I wanna blaze with You
So I'm holding my heart out to You
Holding my heart out...

Hello there, friends! :)

I hope this finds you having a simply wonderful week. If not then I hope something I write here makes you even a slight bit happier, even if just for a minute.

There isn't much to say of this last week. It was relatively normal with a trip to Chattanooga inserted on the weekend. That was nice :) I always enjoy a good visit with the family...not to mention getting to ride there and back with Joe and Hayley...and of course Connor! Have I told you how much I love being an aunt? It's pretty much the greatest. especially the smiles, kisses and snuggles. I love my snugbug!
anyhoo...that was my week in a nutshell.

Weightloss- none this week :( But I didn't gain either so it's not so bad. I just maintained. dang. I really wanted those shoes. Guess I'll have to wait another week! I saw it coming, though, with Grandma's cooking and my lack of exercise due to somehow managing to hurt my back. It is on the mend though so back to regular walks/workouts! *side note* speaking of walks, my parents and I went on one tonight and that dang dog came back out barking...but my dad had his walking stick with him so he didn't come very close. *phew*

Now, on to the good stuff! :)
Some girl in my small group on Sunday nights told our group about this blog...

I so so so encourage you to visit it and/or follow it. This girl lives in Uganda and has adopted 12 orphaned or poverty-stricken children as her own. the kicker? she is 21! my goodness...thats only one year older than me! it's simply amazing. I've been following her blog for just over a week now and have been so blessed by reading it. I cannot tell you how much I'd love to do something like that some day. All in God's timing...

-This is Kristal. She is so very special to me. I met her on my first missions trip to Canada. God used this sweet girl and her story to teach me so much. I keep this picture on my dresser still as a reminder of God's call on my life.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
-Jim Elliot

That is all for today! Have a marvelous rest of the week.
Love. Love. Love.


Valentines, Chased by dogs, and Pepper Spray.

>> Thursday, February 19, 2009

Many are they increased that troubled me,
Many are they that rise up against me,
Many there be which say of my soul,
There is no help for him in God.

But thou, oh Lord are a shield for me,
My glory and the lifter of my head.
Thou, oh Lord are shield for me,
My glory and the lifter of my head.

-So....I don't know too much of Brooklyn Tabernacle but they perform this song amazingly! Especially the very end of the song. It gives me chills! I've now decided that I want to see them live. Click here to watch :)

Let's see, lets see....
It's been a busy last few days. Sarah and Luke made it up here for Valentines Day weekend. I've missed those kids! Especially Sarah...She became the little sister I never had in the 7 months she lived here. anyhoo- on Saturday night, I sent them upstairs for 30 minutes with strict instructions to not come down until dinner. Meanwhile, I decorated the dining room for valentines. I must say it was super cute :) haha. I have pictures somewhere...I'll post them later.

Church on Sunday was amazing as usual :) I've gotta say my favorite part was a special they did of "It is well with my soul" and on the big screens above the stage they had the story of the man who wrote the song. If you haven't heard it, I encourage you to look it up. it was incredible.

I also started a small group on Sunday night. I think I'm going to enjoy it. The girls seem really nice and the book is exactly what I need. We are doing "Get out of that Pit!" by Beth Moore.

and lastly....a weight-loss/exercise update!

I lost 1 pound this week which brings the total to 4.8 lbs. Just 1/10th away from a new pair of shoes from Marti and Liz! haha. Shoes motivate me. haha!

I took a walk around the neighbor hood twice this week and did the treadmill and weights once. I must tell you... I about died on my last walk. It was dark out so I had a flashlight, and I was passing this house. All of a sudden I hear barking and growling coming closer and closer! Since it was dark I couldn't really see where the dog was coming from so I just stopped under the light. then out of no where this big dog comes running up barking and looking all mean. I think I about had a heart attack. I screamed and raised my flashlight at it and it stopped about 8-10 feet away, still growling, mind you! So I slowly started walking backwards away from it...It eventually turned back and went to it's house but it was already too late, I was scared out of my mind and almost in tears. I love dogs but next time I'm bringing the pepper spray. My padre says that as long as it comes out of their yard/driveway and is barking/growling/coming after me at me then I have the right to protect myself with pepper spray...let's hope it doesn't come to that.

That's the end of this post! I need to hit the sack so I can get up for class tomorrow and finish my project after that. Then to Chattanooga on Saturday to visit the Grandparents.

Love. Love. Love.

My snuggle-bug :) Connor and I.


Tornado Warnings, Weight Loss, and everything in between :)

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

There's a wave that's crashing over me
All I can do is surrender
Whatever you're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos, somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something heavenly...

Hello Everyone! :)

It's been another semi-normal week in the life of me. Last Thursday was hard being away from Union since It had been a year since the tornado. but I did get to talk to a few friends from there and it helped a ton. I was so very close to my friends there before the tornado but it's really hard to describe the level a friendship goes to when you've gone through something like that together. anyways....Friday on the way to class at MTSU they decided to have a tornado drill. It was only the second time since that night that I'd heard tornado sirens. I almost turned back to my car and went home just from the sound of them. I felt so sick to my stomach but I realized that I'll have to get past that eventually. Here's to a long tornado season.... Prayers for anyone involved in that night would be appreciated over the next few months.

I spent the weekend at the Lakehouse. It was exactly what I needed. It is just so peaceful and relaxing. I hated coming back.
See what I mean? So peaceful :)

Monday was our day to have Connor! hooray hooray! I look forward to Mondays and every other Wednesdays so much! I can't believe he is getting so big! goodness gracious. I'm head over heels in love with that sweet nephew of mine. I love when he wakes up from his naps in such smile-y moods.
Isn't he just the cutest?!

On another note....Changes! my goodness. so many of them recently. I couldn't stand all the changes at first but God has given me a peace over alot of it recently and kind of given me a drive to just take this chance to change even more. 2 big things that this involves is my health and my spiritual life.

Health- I guess I've tried many times in the past several years to lose weight. It was never for me though. It was because other people wanted me to. I just did it to do it. This time around, it's for me...and as odd as it may sound, just that makes a big difference. I've been doing weight watchers and in the last 4 weeks I've lost 3.8 pounds. not a lot but I've come to realize it's not going to happen fast. anyhoo...Once I get the hang of it all and get on a more regualar exercise schedule I'm hoping to average about 1-2 pounds a week. geez. a skinny me? can it beeee? oh my just the thought freaks me out a bit but I think I'm ready. :) So if you see me eating some chocolate hit me on the head please! haha. My meetings are on Thursdays nights so I'll try to keep yall updated on here on how everything goes. OH! and if someone wants to join me in working out, let me know! :) I'll always welcome a walking buddy! I can't wait for spring! Greenway here I come!

Spiritual Life- I was incredibly blessed in Jackson to have an amazing church and college ministry. God really used Englewood to show me so much about the church in general, worshipping with your whole heart and the different avenues God chooses to use people in. When I learned I was coming back to Murfreesboro, I knew I needed to find a church with a similar and strong college group and I'm happy to say I've found that at New Vision. It's wonderful! I feel so at home there and it's already inspired me to take my walk with God to a whole new level. I'm regaining my excitement about God's call on my life and it's a wonderful thing :)

Hmmm...I do believe that is all for now :) I'm trying to update this at least once a week but we'll see how that goes.

Romans 8:12-18
Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba,Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Love. Love. Love.

ps...HAYLEY! I know you are reading this....get one of these! :) hehe....



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