News and a Cruise

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello there!

Sorry it's been almost two weeks since I updated. Thing have been a little busy and every time I'd have time to blog, i'd be exhausted and ready for bed or needed to get going on some school stuff.
I do, however, have two very exciting things to share with you to make up for my lack of blogging lately.

Big News #1:
I'm going to be an aunt again! Matt and Chass are expecting their first baby on August 25th. I'm so extremely excited to be an aunt again and I'm so glad I can finally share the news with yall! They told me in early December but was sworn to secrecy for a little while. Anyhoo- I can't wait! I'm hoping it's a girl (then I'd have one of each! Nephew and Niece!) but I'd be just as happy with another nephew.

Big News #2:
(In story form) the other day I was in Art history and got a text from my brother, Matt. It read "Hey Katieboo. Chass and I just wanted to let you know that we noticed the results from you going to the gym last night and we're so proud of you". I thought, "aww. how sweet" and replied a quick thank you as to not get caught by the professor.
A minute later, I got another text that said "We have a proposition for you..." Upon asking what it was and then my phone being stupid and mixing up a bunch of text messages, I finally received a text back that read..."Write down your starting weight, put it in an envelope and put it in a safe, once you've lost 100 pounds prove it to one of us and...." *insert drumroll here* "....we'll pay for you to go on a cruise!" AHH! I then proceeded to try my very best not to freak out in the middle of class. I was shocked. It meant so much to me. Needless, to say I accepted their proposition and how have a pounds count down until a cruise up in my room.

*phew* That's all my big news for now! :)

Here's a quick update on weight loss and working out:

I hit that road block I always hit about a month in last week. I had maintained and then gained a pound. I let it get me down for about two days then realized THIS is why I never lose the weight. because I let weeks like this completely get the best of me. So I pushed past back on schedule this week and feel great.

So, unfortunately, there is no weight loss to report this week. Next week, hopefully!
but I have been on schedule for working out this week (with the exception of Superbowl Sunday). I worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I may even get in a quick workout tonight.

That's all for today, friends.

Love. Love. Love.


Elizabeth February 12, 2010 at 8:33 AM  

So exciting! Clearly your family is awesome.

Thrifty T February 13, 2010 at 7:58 AM  

Way to go Katie!!! If you need a cruise buddy, let me know.

Anonymous February 16, 2010 at 7:59 AM  

AAAHHH!!! A free cruise??? If that's not awesome, I don't know what is! You work it, girl, and get that cruise!


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