Late night meanderings...

>> Sunday, July 11, 2010

"The point - the only point - in being a messenger is that you deliver the message as instructed. Going around giving yourself airs as 'the messenger' may look impressive for a short while, but when you don't fulfill your commission it begins to look very odd." -N.T. Wright

I've become fascinated with my first N.T. Wright book. After hearing my best friend talk about how much she loves his writings for months, I finally wandered into Lifeway last week in search of a book of his. I came out with this:

It's a commentary he has written on Romans 1-8. I'm only on Romans 3:20 but I'm hooked. For months I've been searching for a good study of the Bible and this one is definitely the end to that search. He breaks it down into usually 3 to 5 verses and then talks about them. About whats going on at this time in history, what Paul meant when he used a certain word, what Paul was referring to. It's all just absolutely fascinating. More on the book when I finish but I thought I'd go ahead and mention it.

On a slightly different note, I've been thinking a lot lately about being completely whole in Christ. Every Christian has always heard "you can't do this" or "you can't do that" unless you're first completely complete in Christ.

Me? I was the skeptic of this until the last year. I knew I needed to be complete in Christ but never felt like I could really get there. Lord knows I'm not there yet but in the last few months, I've found a renewed since of hope in Christ. We live in such a broken world and one of the hardest things I've tried to figure out is why on earth God loves such a broken people. It's always been the "struggle" in my walk.

Until it just hit my like a ton of bricks. It does not nor will it ever make sense why He does. But the fact of the matter is...HE DOES. and there isn't a single thing I or anyone else can do to change that.

I'm slowly picking up speed in my journey to "completeness" in Him. I still hit those little bumps in the road where I hear satan yelling "You're worthless! You're broken...Why would God ever love you?" but it's Christ' ever present whisper saying "You're mine. I love you with an everlasting love." that keeps me going.

I'm His and He loves me with an everlasting Love.

And on that note...

Love. Love. Love.



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